The Mechanism of the Earth's Pole Reversal

in #science6 years ago (edited)

Evidence and theory strongly suggest that the Earth's electromagnetic field is capable of, and approaching, pole reversal.


The mechanism by which this occurs is scarcely understood, as electromagnetic fields are not understood. The present state of interpretation of the Earth's electromagnetic field is focused on the core of the Earth. All current prevalent interpretations of possible explanations for an electromagnetic pole reversal rely on changes in the Earth's core as the foundational reasoning.

This stems from a fundamental lack of understanding of the mechanism by which electromagnetic fields are created. In particular, they are the result of gravity, which can be read about in A theory for how gravity causes electromagnetic fields.

In short, the gravity of an object, such as Earth, pulls on particles proximal thereto. These particles are of an infinite array of various masses, and under particular conditions they are specifically pulled towards the center of gravity of the object. Then, alike to neutrinos passing through the Earth, they physically pass through the body of the object where the direction of gravity is reversed. This produces Figure-8 orbital patterns by causing the particles to then be brought back towards the center of gravity where they repetitively pass through the body of the object and are brought back to the center of gravity as follows:

Figure 1: A particle brought towards the center of gravity of an object, where the dotted line indicates its capacity to pass through the object.
Figure 2: Reversal of flow of the particle due to reversal of direction of force of gravity upon the particle, redirected back towards the center of gravity
Figure 3: Resultant Figure-8 orbital

The summation of the flow of all particles in Figure-8 orbitals as the result of gravity produces the observation of an electromagnetic field.

With that said, not all objects have observable electromagnetic fields. In order for the strength of an object's electromagnetic field to be detectable, the object must be rotating. This rotation is critical because it causes centrifugal force so as to create an oblong stretching of the object in the direction perpendicular to the axis of rotation.

If an object is perfectly spherical, then the force of gravity is directly behind the particle once it passes the center of gravity. There is a balance such that it continues traveling in the same direction as shown in Figure 4:

Figure 4: Non-rotating bodies, relative to their environment, do not produce observable electromagnetic fields due to particles which pass through the center of gravity being able to escape the period of overwhelming force.

If an object is rotating, however, this rotation produces a bulge as shown in Figure-5:
Figure 5: Exaggerated image of the stretching of a rotating object in the direction perpendicular to its axis of rotation.

This causes an imbalance in the direction of the force of gravity when the particle passes through the center of gravity, such that it curves towards the bulge and disc produced by rotation.

Fundamentally, this is how electromagnetic fields are produced; by the flow of particles around a body due to gravity in Figure-8 orbitals. The Earth's is no different. It is produced due to its rotation, not due to dynamics originating in the core.

This is the first step in understanding how pole reversal occurs.

While we tend to analyze systems in a vacuum--as if they are independent of outside interactions--this is not the reality. Earth is in the electromagnetic field of the sun. Our solar system is in the electromagnetic field of the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy. Upward and upward, smaller systems are in the fields of larger systems. These larger electromagnetic fields play a role in the particulars of the Earth's electromagnetic field.

In particular, when the Earth transitions between physical positions above or below the bulge of the disc, it also transitions between the direction of flow of particles that make up a larger electromagnetic field as shown in Figures 6 and 7 below:

Untitled drawing (16).jpg
Figure 6: Shows the direction of flow of particles through the Earth as they are brought towards the centrifugal bulge of a larger object.

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Figure 7: Much the same, shows the direction of flow of particles through the Earth as they are brought towards the centrifugal bulge of a larger object.

As the Earth transitions, alike to riding an ocean wave between peaks and troughs, between being above the centrifugal bulge and below it, the direction of flow of the particles of the larger electromagnetic field surrounding the Earth becomes opposite. As these particles are flowing together, they tend to flow towards the center of centrifugal bulge of the larger object. This means that when the Earth is below the bulge, the flow of particles is generally upward towards the bulge, which causes a first half of the planet to have what we call the north pole. And when the Earth is above the bulge, the flow of particles is generally downward towards the bulge, causing the opposite half of the planet to have the north pole. Thereby, pole reversal occurs.

The Earth does not stop rotating or reverse rotation, it does not have any physical changes occur to the Earth itself. Rather, its positioning within the directional flow of a larger electromagnetic field determines which direction on the Earth the flow of particles inward occurs and the flow of particles outward occurs. It is simply riding a wave that takes it between different zones of larger electromagnetic fields.

As a result, the transition between positions in a larger system's electromagnetic field is the root cause of changes to the Earth's magnetic poles.

For More Information

I have written extensively on why gravity causes all observations. If you are interested, please check out my Steemit page and my website CascadingUniverse.Org for more information!

Thanks a lot for reading!
-Steve Scully

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