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RE: Cosmic Rays and Infinity

in #science7 years ago

Hi Jim, you are welcome! Thanks for your questions and comments!

I agree, that is why I ultimately look at it as "the way things are" rather than "theory"; because it is so simple and able to use classical mechanics alone to explain things. I always felt the mistake in current models began with the interpretation of redshifted galaxies being the result of motion and wondered for a long time how gravitational redshift could possibly produce the observations until one day I realized to incorporate bending light into it (actually, a song told me: "I will bend every light in the city and make sure its shining on you." I was listening to, and playing on piano, the song Already Home by A Great Big World daily for months when the connection popped into my head one night). From there, I came to recognize the Figure-8 orbital because I tried to find explanations for more and more observations based on the model and electromagnetism was suddenly viewable as an emergent phenomena.

I especially agree that current models are very earth-centric. I actually wrote an article on Steemit about the "geocentricity" of current models on this very subject. :D

"The question was if this is enough or there is some connection between these inside particles like the "chemical bond" we know."

Well, structures such as planets and stars and so on are only "large" relative to atoms because we are composed of atoms. The same "is this enough" would apply to atoms, electrons, even photons, as they are as equally built from smaller objects as larger objects are. To me, the real key is that there is not uniformity in the infinite energy of the universe. If all energy were to be exactly equal then everything would be exactly spaced and nothing would move, but because there is this variance it leads to the cascading of all energy into the infinite variations we see. I look at it as the result of infinity coupled with "nothingness", in a way.

In regard to chemical bonds, I believe that in bodies such as Earth the atoms are pressed closely together by gravity and their electromagnetic fields hold them apart but only to a degree. This makes it so they are close enough to share "electrons" (like a planet shared between two stars). If there is less pressure like in deep space then the atoms aren't pressed as closely together and their electromagnetic fields keep them further apart so they may not form "chemical bonds" as easily as on Earth.

"planet and star formation (are nebulae and space debris enough?)"

These types of things are likely resultant from higher energy sources. For example, half of the Earth's atoms are not receiving sunlight during their night and so we observe our surroundings as dark in the visible light spectrum because the electrons are not becoming excited (which is basically supernovaing repetitively). During the day, they receive that energy source and so they become excited (supernova). This energy input does more than just create excited electrons, it also ultimately feeds the creation of new systems on deeper levels of the universe (on a time scale that we may see as instantaneous because we are composed of atoms but observers deeper in the levels of the universe would see as the creation of stars and planets). The same could be said for how our own stars and planets are fed into creation.

"heavy elements abundance (are the rare supernovas enough to fill the entire universe with such elements?)"

This kind of connects to water production and earth expansion. Electromagnetic fields play a critical role in this because they are flowing physical matter through a body and through its center of mass. As they approach the center of mass, the density of these particles grows larger and larger and their probability of interacting and becoming observed as larger systems (such as atoms) increases. Likely, much of the creation of heavy elements also is from the convergence of electromagnetic field flows at the center of bodies.

"water production and earth expansion"

I actually wrote an article on this: Origins of Water on Earth.

This just explains again why electromagnetism is the key.

This brings up the concept that Earth once was a rocky body largely without water on its surface, and so I will reference here some related information I wrote about that you might find interesting:
Chapter 1 of Genesis - A Scientific Analysis (PART 1)
Chapter 1 of Genesis - A Scientific Analysis (PART 2)

Noting that a song directed me in finding how all things can be reduced to the result of one thing (gravity), I immediately was considering the question of God (as the cause of gravity) and did very thorough research into scripture and prophecies of all sources. I went through Isaac Newton's esoteric work extensively and found it all fascinating. The Kybalion explains things very accurately from a physics standpoint so I was very taken by it all (particularly the "Principle of Correspondence"--as above, so below. as below, so above). Using scientific observations and my view of how the universe works as my basis, these were my conclusions. I don't know how you feel about God and scripture in general, but there are many connections throughout everything that are, in the very least, fascinating. :)


Thank you for your answers and all the effort! All of them are really good. Electromagnetism, gravity's major side effect, is the key to explain many things that seem complex at first. Electromagnetism puts much of the surrounding ether in motion, then ether's higher state of energy can cause changes visible on a larger scale.

About God and religion, I have read your "esoteric" articles on scriptures and they are great! I believe that all scriptures of every religion is divine and should be taken very seriously. There is really dense and encrypted (most times) knowledge in there, that of course we should try to learn from it. Actually all society is grown since childhood with these common books and their teachings, so they are part of us. Another interesting thing is that sacred books' knowledge is fractal like the universe, they apply on every level: universe, human history and personal everyday life. They have guided and inspired all humanity for centuries and are they "too old" and "too divine" to be simple human opinions, so there is no reason to ignore them, they are actually the truth.

Also, if you are interested, ancient Greek philosophy and cosmology may give you some inspiration on your works too (I am Greek by the way). Their ideas are really interesting even today without much "egyptianism" in their words. They have established the concept of ether which is invisible and everywhere, and the concept of simplicity and analogy (correspondence) in the universe, so if you haven't already, take a look at some of them (such as Heraclitus or Democritus). Below are some examples from Heraclitus, that fit to you point of view of all things:

Listening not to me but to the Logos it is wise to agree that all things are one.

All things happen according to the Logos and the Logos is common.

The Lord whose oracle is at Delphi neither reveals nor conceals, but gives a sign.

The road up and down is one and the same.

The waking have one common world, but the sleeping turn aside each into a world of his own

(Logos means word, analogy, correspondence, logic)

You are welcome! Thanks for reading and considering. :D

"Electromagnetism, gravity's major side effect, is the key to explain many things that seem complex at first."

I'd say understanding of electromagnetism rather than electromagnetism itself, since we do not consider electromagnetism to be the result of a flow of particles caused by gravity (as a society) and can mistakenly attribute things to the result of electromagnetism that are really caused by gravity (from a physics standpoint, at least--God being the most true Cause from a complete picture standpoint). Recognition that it is caused by gravity opens the door to seeing that there is this convergence of flows of particles at the center of bodies that can lead to creation of "higher" levels within the universe from "lower" ones. I say this also because I said "This just explains again why electromagnetism is the key." in my previous comment but I meant "understanding electromagnetism (and how it is caused by gravity) is the key." It is a nuance but I don't mean to give credit to electromagnetism itself when gravity causes it :D

"I believe that all scriptures of every religion is divine and should be taken very seriously."

I agree! I also feel that it is a careful process that really requires understanding first and foremost that all is one, or else we can arrive at many misconceptions of the teachings (which is all part of the process and beauty of reality). Religions of today are essentially the result of reading the complex texts without a foundation of understanding going into it. I look at it as sort of building a house from the roof down; it will not have the structural integrity necessary to last. Christianity, to me, is the best example. It sees Jesus to be God (which I agree with since all is one), but in so doing (due to the lack of awareness that all is one), it simultaneously concludes (silently) that nothing else is. This conclusion inadvertently places a division between perspectives that can bring opposing viewpoints and manifest in a dualistic nature in society. The same can be applied to all fractal layers of society (society as a whole, smaller groups such as nations and religions, all the way down to individuals), in much the same way as you mention scriptures are fractal.

"They have guided and inspired all humanity for centuries and are they "too old" and "too divine" to be simple human opinions, so there is no reason to ignore them, they are actually the truth."

I agree, particularly in that everything is divine in nature (as all is one). One thing of note is that there are many translations of the original texts and these translations are not equal in accuracy, but rather are built on preconceptions of the meanings. As I read scripture with an all is one hinge, anything that was written in the translation I was reading that disagreed immediately would raise a red flag for me and I would look through as many translations of the verse(s) as possible, sometimes delving into the original text to see what each individual word is said to indicate, to try to find explanation for the false statement and undoubtedly there would be a way of reading a verse that was more open and able to be in agreement with all is one than the translation. Today, most people have one version they look to as the authority and read it as if it is the text in its most original form and this opens the door for easily drawing false conclusions because the translation was built on someone else's preconceived ideas of what the verse meant to begin with, and so people will extract those ideas without being aware they were inserted in the translation. I find this to be most apparent in the King James Version of the Bible, but none are exempt.

I like to say the Bible does not come with an "instruction manual" (just as life does not); it is up to us to figure out what it really means. There are many deeper meanings hidden inside simple statements that a surface analysis--no matter how thorough--of the text will not uncover.

"Also, if you are interested, ancient Greek philosophy and cosmology may give you some inspiration on your works too."

"so if you haven't already, take a look at some of them (such as Heraclitus or Democritus)."

Thanks for the suggestions! "Listening not to me but to the Logos it is wise to agree that all things are one." Truly, any reference that is built with a teaching that "all things are one" I would love to be aware of everything else they have to say :D This, to me, is the most vital piece of information for maintaining a centered and balanced interpretation of everything else. It is the cornerstone and the foundation of all understanding. So, I will most definitely look into their works! Thanks for the recommendations!

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