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RE: Hey Science, It's Me Religion. Sorry? Impressions Rebuttals and Comments on "God of the Gaps" by Neil DeGrasse Tyson

in #science8 years ago (edited)

Heh. I won't comment on "religion" because it means everything under the sun.

What you say is not true about Biblical Christianity. It has the scoop directly revealed from God.
Don't confuse this with Popery or other church teachings that are not Bible based. They are all over the place and often wrong.

Science will never come close to understanding God because it denies anything that can't be directly observed and repeated. It's a very limited tool when it comes to all there is to know.

And don't give me that about Science being objective. The history of science is the mainstream suppressing the young upstarts generation after generation. Try to get funding for research that is outside the mainstream. Try to get published in a "peer reviewed" journal.


Do you believe in evolution? How old do you believe the universe, our solar system, and earth are?

Is there room for both? I'll use it again lol. I read an interesting thing once. Jesus turned water into wine, it was good wine. Good wine is aged wine. The point they were making was if that's the power we are dealing with..... Well, what's wrong with a 6 billion year old universe that's 6,000 years old?

There is room for God and science, but the universe is unquestionably not 6000 years old. And biblical Christianity rigidly holds onto a belief based on no evidence and refuses to change which proves my point

Exactly. Let's do a thought experiment.
Suppose the best explanation for the universe is that it is a simulation as scientists have proposed to explain quantum entanglement and two-slit experiment results.

Now, compare two universes. One that has been evolving from a singularity for 13.8B years and another that was initialized at precisely the same state as the first universe merely 6000 years ago. Could science tell the difference?

You are conflating economics and politics with science. Scientific beliefs have a rigorous process before educated guesses become theories or laws. The politics and economics of what gets funded is a matter of opportunity cost.

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