Ever Heard of the Element, Oganesson?

in #science6 years ago
Hello dearies. Is your answer to the above question "No"? You don't need to worry, here's your chance.

Oganesson is an atom with the highest atomic number of 118 and highest atomic mass of 294 of all known elements. The element which is in the 18th group in the periodic table ends with "-on" as all the other noble gases aside Helium; significantly reactive as compared to other noble gases. This radioactive and unstable element has had only 5 or possibly 6 of its atom detected since 2005.


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In 1922, a danish physicist; Neils Bohr considered the posibbility of having an element with a high atomic number as 118 noting that it would take its place in the periodic table as the seventh noble gas, below radon. Aristid von Grosse also predicted in 1965, an element with 118 atomic number in an article. However, Robert Smolanczuk, a polish physicist published an article containing calculations on fusion of atomic nuclei towards the synthesis of super heavy atoms with oganesson included in 1998. His calculations had suggested the possibility of fusing Krypton with lead under carefully controlled conditions to make oganesson.

In 1999, researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory made use of these predictions and announced the discovery of livermorium and oganesson, in a paper published in Physical Review Letters.

A retraction was published the following year as researchers at other laboratories had difficulties duplicating the results and the Berkeley Lab. couldn't do same either. It was confirmed that there was an exponential decrease in cross-sections with lead and bismuth targets as the atomic number of the resulting in nuclide increases using newer experimental result and theoritical predictions.
See why you shouldn't alter results? You might need them later.



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Oganesson is the second element to be named after a living person (Yuri Organessian), with the first being Seaborgium. IUPAC announced the plans of the discoveres to name the element Oganesson in June 2016 in honour of Yuri Oganessian, a Russian nuclear physicist who pioneered researches of superheavy elements.

His team and his proposed techniques had led directly to the synthesis of elements 106 to 113 in cold fusion reactions with lead-208 and bismuth-209 targets, as well as elements 112 through 118 through hot fusion reactions with calcium-48 projectiles.

Other Facts:

  • It completes the periodic table using Mendeleev's format.
  • It is formally expected to be a gas but recent calculations has pointed to it being a solid at 20 degrees Celsius.
  • It is classified as a non-metal.
  • It has only one confirmed isotope with a half life of about 0.89 milliseconds.
  • Through alpha decay, it can turn into Livermorium - 290.
  • Sources: Atoms of Califorium with ions of calcium were bombarded together for 1080 hours by the Russian Scientists who produced the element, resulting in the production of three atoms of oganesson.
  • It does not occur naturally and has not been found in the earth crust.
  • Presently it is only used in research.
  • It is a block p element with density, melting and boiling points unknown for now.
  • The name, Oganesson became official on 28 November 2016.

Thank You...

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