Stephens Hawkin's Physics - A tribute Part #1 纪念霍金: 霍金的物理 #1

in #science6 years ago

A few days ago, Wednesday 14th March 2018, one of the most legendary physicist of the modern times, Stephen Hawking, passed away aged 78. Tributes from all around the world flowed in, triumphing his great and creative mind that explored the edge of the universe and back despite physically confined to a wheelchair. The inspiring story of how he defied all odds survived his disease and went on to become one of the greatest physicist of all times is familiar to all and was even made into a movie. Personally, Stephen Hawking has been a great inspiration. I read the Brief History of Time when I was in high school, and was fascinated by the beauty of the universe and the elegance of the physics behind it. I was aspired to become a theoretical physicist. While at the end I chose the more practical route of electronics and semiconductor engineering, my interest in knowing about the universe have never faded and Stephen Hawking remains to be one of the people that I admire the most.



Image source

So as my tribute to this great physicist of our times, I am going to write a series focused on his physics. This is the work that he dedicated his life to, and what he was passionate about. Only by understanding his work we could let our mind travel to the edge of the universe and back with him together, and let his legacy lives on.


Part 1: Black holes, thermodynamics and Hawking Radiation

第一章: 黑洞,热学定律和霍金辐射

If we use two words to sum up Stephen Hawking’s research contribution, I believe it should be quantum gravity, not black holes. However, black hole was the tool that he used to show how quantum mechanics can be injected into the classical theory of Einstein’s General Relativity, to explain phenomena that seems to defy physics as we know it. So, let’s start our journey with his work on black holes.


Image source : NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center

One of his most famous contribution is the Hawking Radiation. To understand the Hawking Radiation, we first need to deep dive into a branch of physics that greatly our everyday life: The laws of thermodynamics. Thermodynamics is the study of the evolving energy of a system. There are four basic laws of thermodynamics that all physical system obeys. This can be summed up below.


While the equations may look foreign, you probably have encountered a few of these laws in your high school science class. The first one, appropriately named the zeroth law of thermodynamics, simply states that the thermal energy of a system is absolute and can be measured by a reference unit, i.e. a temperature. The first law of thermodynamics is simply conservation of energy, expressed as the change of energy of a system must be equal to the change in thermal energy plus the work done on the system. Both of these laws are pretty easy to understand.


The second law of thermodynamics considers what is called Entropy. Entropy by definition is the number of possible states that a system can have and can be loosely understood as a disorder of the system. The second law states that the entropy of a closed system would always increase. This roughly means that a system (including, of course, our universe), increases in disorder over time. An everyday example of the second law that I like to use is an air-conditioner. An air-conditioner cools the air in a room, which, in effect, decreases the entropy of the air molecules in the room. By second law, there must be an increase of entropy somewhere else, and this is proven by the fact that the exhaust from the air-conditioner is much hotter compared to the air around it. By including the exhaust in the close system, the second law of thermodynamics is obeyed. The third law of thermodynamic states that the entropy approaches a constant value as the temperature reaches absolute zero. That is really just saying that a system would approach its ground states – sometimes more than one – when the temperature approaches absolute zero. It also means that since entropy change is infinitesimally small approaching absolute zero, we can actually never get to absolute zero.


Image source: Science ABC


Now as mentioned, these basic laws of thermodynamics should be applicable to all systems. However, this in the first glance does not hold true for black holes. Considering a particle that falls into a black hole. It is now confined inside the black hole. The number of configuration that particle can have is now less than that before it falls in. So the entropy of the whole universe has decreased. This clearly violates the 2nd law of thermodynamics. The only possibility is that black holes themselves have entropy that can change over time. This is the conclusion drawn by Stephen Hawking, Brandon Carter and James Bardeen, who co-developed a set of laws governing black holes known as the black hole. The integral part of the black hole laws of thermodynamics is that since black holes are simply part of the space time fabric, it does not have a temperature. Rather, the entropy is related to the surface gravity, or the gravity experienced at the event horizon (the point at which light cannot escape) of the black hole. The four laws of black hole mechanics, analogous to the laws of thermodynamics, is as follows:

The form of these equations is essentially the same as that of the thermodynamics. For example, the zeroth law simply states that the surface gravity is something absolute, similar to temperature, that can be used to quantify or describe a black hole. The first law states that a change in energy is a black hole must be accompanied by a change in the rotation, charge and area of the black hole, all of which provides “work done” that is required by conservation of energy. The second law, derived from the assumed relationship between entropy and the black hole’s surface area, (and the main contribution from Hawking), states that because of this, the area of a black hole must increase over time. A consequence of that is that when two black hole collides, they would merge instead of breaking apart. The third law states that the surface gravity of a black hole cannot go to zero, similar to the third law of thermodynamics which implied that absolute zero can never be reached.


Unfortunately, these laws are based on the assumption of that the area of the black hole is related to the entropy. Using classical treatment of black holes results in black holes having zero entropy, and the surface gravity of a black hole can be zero. At this point there is nothing linking these laws to reality. Hawking’s ingenuity was displayed here by recognising this discrepancy can be resolved by using quantum mechanics, in the form of what is now known as Hawking Radiation. Hawking Radiation relies on the uncertainty principle, ΔEΔt ≥ h/4π, which implies that a large energy or mass (mass and energy are equivalent by Einstein’s famous E = mc2) can appear over a very short time. This is the basis of what’s known as vacuum fluctuation where a pair of particle – antiparticle can just appear out of nothing, only to recombine and disappear into nothingness after a short time. Since in most cases these particle pairs only momentarily exist in a very short time scale, they are known as virtual particle pairs.

虽然这方程上的对应是十分优雅,可是在经典场论和广义相对论下,黑洞的温度是绝对零度,熵是零。在这前提下,黑洞面积和熵是不相通的。而霍金的高妙在于他看到的量子力学可以解决这个问题。在量子力学的框架下的海森堡的不确定性原理, ΔEΔt ≥ h/4π, 允许能量在真空中突然出现,然后在短时间后消失。而能量和物质可以在爱因斯坦的E=mc2下转换,所以不确定性原理允许一对正负粒子在真空中短时间的存在,称为虚粒子。

Image source: Neven Belic


However, if a virtual particle pair appear at the event horizon, there is a finite chance where one particle of the pair makes it out of the horizon while they other never escape. In order for energy to be conserved, this particle must be projected out of the black hole. This is the Hawking Radiation. Since a radiation implies a temperature via by the Blackbody radiation principle. And as the rate of Hawking Radiation is clearly proportional to the area of the event horizon, the area can therefore be related to the temperature, hence the entropy.

Stephen Hawking’s discovery of this equation closes the gap between the black hole thermodynamics and general thermodynamics, restoring the universal consistency of physics. So while a direct consequence of Hawking Radiation is that a black hole would eventually evaporate and disappear if it does not have other means in gaining its area (which means the second law of black holes need to be adjusted slightly), the true significance of Hawking Radiation is showing that quantum mechanics and General Relativity need to work together to explain phenomena that is otherwise unexplained. This may be the closest prove yet that a unified theory of everything does exist. In the next post, I will show you how Stephen Hawking used this knowledge on black holes and applied it to the physics behind the origin of the universe and the unified theory of everything.



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May his soul rest in peace. He is a great man.

Indeed, may his soul rest in peace

> The integral part of the black hole laws of thermodynamics is that since black holes are simply part of the space time fabric, it does not have a temperature.
> The second law, derived from the assumed relationship between entropy and the black hole’s surface area, (and the main contribution from Hawking), states that because of this, the area of a black hole must increase over time.


是的!可以说他脑洞非常大😆 可是这些脑洞他都用数学证明了

他寫的The Universe in a Nutshell的確很出色




写得真好 👍 巨星陨落 吸尘器那个。。。





Great post!
果壳中的宇宙 写的真的非常棒,我先后读了3遍,霍金用通俗易懂的语言讲述了深奥的宇宙原理,他是一位伟大的人!

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