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RE: Transhumanism: into the future by the razor's edge. Idea and prospects.

in #science7 years ago

Like any other tech, the prospect of these advances lies first at the human endeavor to weaponize them. After that, recreation, and finally, general utility. Also, these advances, arguably in the realm of humanity's last invention, people generally will not reep the rewards as the rewards will first be costly, as they are scarce, and those whom are empowered financially and politically will be the early adopters, perhaps by fiat.

Like all other models, classes will be created, augmented people, if indeed this tech does sufficiently enhance biology, intellectual horsepower, emotional horsepower, and all other chemical receptors/synaptic activity, then will that simply enhance the chasm between them and the non-augmented peoples? Who will say no to these advances, for political, religious, or reasons of whatever - and will that movement be as shunned socially as the anti-vaccine group? When augmentation becomes normalized, will we deny people with crimanal records the procedure, similar to the arguments made that removing guns from a society eliminates evil? Will it become an arms race, stating the need for augmentation is the only solution humans will have to keep up with AI? Just as the LBGQ community is foisting their community path now, will it all become obsolete as it will not be able to keep up with the social entanglements transhumanism will bring to the table? Is interplanetary exploration coming at the right time - is this how powers will determine candadites for travel, whether their augmented or not? If that's the case, the next class friction model will be partitioned by planets/space stations, i.e. earth and non-earth environments. What will gentrification in space look like?


transhumanism is the end of humanity... I have several blogs talking of it as an alien ideology, secret space programs costing trillions of dollars are the taxpayers expenses to ... get destroyed?

watch the bockbuster documentary Sirius, by Dr Greer. Not too fond of Greer but that is the most mainstream doc available for free on YT

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