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RE: NASA are Lying Liars that Lie. Why do they lie?

in #science7 years ago

the fact that Nasa lies is beyond dispute, and we know (imho) that many of the moon shots are fakes, but why does that seem to mean to people that the earth is flat!!!

I can't get the leap

I honestly can't understand how this one is gaining traction.

It's like the claim that humans and dinosaurs walked together;
it doesn't stand up to the most cursory examination.


Because people are still working on the programming of A or B.
That is the way they were taught in school.

So, if Nasa are lying liars that lie, and they say the earth is round (A)
then the earth must be flat. (B)

when logic would say
then the earth might not be round. (not A)
And there are many possibilities. The earth could be torroid shaped. With all of the stories of the hollow earth, maybe we are actually on the inside. Or maybe the earth is much much bigger than we are led to believe.

On dinosaurs, we actually know very little. Most of what we think we know was done by two huge egos that were not above grandstanding and making things up.
Also, there is a picture of a pterodactyl that was shot by a couple of cowboys and stretch out across a barn. Of course the picture has gone missing, but if that was true, what does that do to our understanding of the dinosaur time line?


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