Why is science important in our lives?

in #science6 years ago (edited)

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Science is very important for our lives. What can we see around us, all the things were the invention of science for us. Science had discovered many wonders for our easy and comfortable life. 

The first invention of science was electricity. It is a good source of energy. Lights, fans, tv all are running through the power of electricity. Electricity made our life very comfortable. 

Science has brought a revolutionary changed in the field of transport. Once it took s long time to cross a little distance but by the help of science we can travel a lots of mile within a few seconds by traveling on cars or buses. 

Science has made a great changed in the feild of medical science. once a simple disease can not be solved thats why many people died for simple disease. But now many fetal diseases  can be solved by the help of science. 

The last invention of science is internate. It is the greatest invention, which is only capabled by science. By using internate we can contact with anyone from one country to another. By using it we can capable to know what is heppening all over the world. 

Finally it can be said that we can not live a single moment without science.

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