What Happened To Bill Nye? "Sex Junk"...

in #science7 years ago (edited)

I was a product of the 80's, so naturally, Bill Nye, the Science Guy occupied a place as near and dear to my heart as Mr Wizard. In fact, even more so, because his show was shot in Seattle, and I, being a young Washingtonian, thought that was a pretty cool thing.

Well, apparently Bill has a new show!

Imagine my elation! Are we going to learn about why helium makes your voice get all high and mousy? Or how gravity pulls a rock and a feather to the ground at the same velocity in a vacuum? Or maybe what's going on with an Altoid bottle rocket?!?!?!?!

And then this happened...


I don't know if this is supposed to be a science show or what. Like, are they trying to sell it that way? Like a science show?

Because this looks like a heavy-handed dose of virtue signaling and narrative massaging. And not even good at that. Or amusing. This is actually somehow worse than a Mom rapping about eating broccoli because they think it'll connect with their kids.

Oh, now that I think about it I probably should have trigger warned you about how bad that performance is. So... trigger warning: it sucks. Sorry.

I wouldn't recommend watching all of it.

I didn't.

But if you thought it couldn't get any worse, I'm afraid you haven't been truly indoctrinated into the occult levels of social justice culture. Because then there was this:

Seriously, can we just stop this? Please?

It's because things like this keep popping up that I know that America does NOT have a free market in entertainment. I mean, there's no way this is being supported by the market. There has GOT to be some heavy hands with deep pockets behind the scenes who want this crap to get pushed in our faces time and time again.

In many ways, I just don't want to believe it. Bill Nye was an icon of mine -- he helped shape my childhood understanding of the world. It seems like it's the goal of the entertainment culture today to take every one of the things I loved as a child -- the things that were pure and fun and magical -- and completely crush them right in front of my face and expect me to like it.

I don't know how people are supposed to seriously listen to Bill talk about climate change after he glowingly introduced a cartoon about ice creams pressuring vanilla into a bi-sexual orgy as being scientific.

This is the way that these narrative manipulating cultural bastardizers will fall: not with a whimper, not with a bang, but with a tasteless rap about vaginas.



I agree 100%. I wrote a similar article with a little different spin on it. I hope you check it out!


I hate how media people approach Bill.. I remember watching this segment and it was just disgusting how they treated him and replied to the issues he was bringing forward.

Do you think he just got tired of it and gave the hell up?

I don't know, I remember he recently made an AMA about this "Bill Nye saves the world" thing, I'll check out the videos you posted in a while when I'm home on my PC.

(when I curate on my phone I tend to leave comments to remind myself to read/watch the content later) :)

You sound like you respect the guy. I'm half inclined to advise you not to check back to save your image of him.

Oh wow, is it that bad? :S

I loved the old "Bill Nye the Science Guy" and grew up watching it... maybe you are right. Wonder what is happening...

It's astonishingly bad.

Excellent post!! thank you for sharing
My friend great work! :)

Hey, thanks. :)

Yes, T.H.E.Y. are trying to destroy all role models.
Any thing about virtue and morals or even thinking has to be abolished, made fun of, trounced, absolutely destroyed and then swept under the carpet.

I suggest everyone stop watching TV completely.
I haven't watched television for years, and every time I hear a TV now it is lie, lie, lie, appeal to authority, lie, falsehood, lie, misdirection...
So much so that I usually yell at the TV.

I agree with that advice.

I saw this pop up but haven't looked at it yet. Now I am pre-disappointed.

I don't know how people are supposed to seriously listen to Bill talk about climate change after he glowingly introduced a cartoon about ice creams pressuring vanilla into a bi-sexual orgy as being scientific.

Serious lol at this! 🤣 😂 But sadly that is actually what happens. The implication here being that being "vanilla" is actually being sexually repressed. Even as far as virtue signalling goes, it's got that wrong.

I did actually watch all of the first video, terrible. And same message, nerdy college pedant is actually repressed! 👎

Truth is officially stranger than fiction. I couldn't make up this stuff if I tried.

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