Myths in the Sky: Andromeda and Perseus

in #science8 years ago


Andromeda was the daughter of Cassiopeia and King Cepheus of Ethiopia. Once Cassiopeia boasted of her beauty to some sea nymphs. The nymphs complained to the sea god Poseidon. He sent a flood to the land of Ethiopia and a terrible monster — the Whale, which came out of the sea and devoured the people and animals. The alarmed King applied to an oracle, who advised him to give, his daughter Andromeda up to the Whale. The people compelled him to take the advice. While she was chained to a rock awaiting death, Andromeda sighted Perseus flying over Ethiopia. Struck by her beauty, Perseus listened to the story of her miserable fate. At that moment a sea monster came to the surface and made for the shore. Flying up with the help of his winged sandals, Perseus slew him with his sword. Cepheus and Cassiopeia hailed the saviour and brought him and Andromeda to the palace, where their wedding was instantly celebrated. Many heroes were born of Andromeda's marriage. Hercules was Perseus' grandson.

Johannes Hevelius, atlas Firmamentum Sobiescianum, Map 20


Perseus, the son of Zeus and Danai, was one of the greatest heroes in ancient times. When he was commissioned with the task of killing the Gorgon-Medusa — of terrifying aspect, who turned every living being into stone with her look, the Gods gave him an invisible helmet, winged sandals and a shield as smooth as a mirror, with the use of which he was able to fulfil his difficult task and remain unharmed.

Johannes Hevelius, atlas Firmamentum Sobiescianum, Map 21

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