
One picture paints A Thousand words.

The drop in the graph could also be labelled: In Disagreement with Point of View regardless of subject. A counter graph then would show a rise in personal this:

[S I G H]

-ch @globocop

Once the cognitive dissonance arrives, the ad hominem comes out as naturally as spring rain.

Amazing how you managed to put it so... poetically! 🚿

hey I'm a retard for not reading 30 books on socialism and speaking out of line :) get the shovels ready. Because you know, community service is what you should get when you disagree with the great majority.

That came out of a Anarchic Socialist, when I told him that, definitions can't be just fitted to whatever, how socialism is democatic I don't know either, but I will read up on that too, and how a state fits within a anarcy is beyond me. Silly me reading and watching capitalist movies :( not to mention being idealistic and declining the use of violence when possible. Use force to combat force, let's get more shit trashed.

If only there wasn't denial of reality and responsibility, blaming of others, general insanity. The sad part is you have to let them scream their lungs out, until they are tired, then they would just go recover and do it again :|

And mind you I was speaking with a sane left winger, I don't get what this retarded political bird is that crashes it's wings in each other, without no general hope of reaching a stable and middle ground,

While I think this picture is hillarious I would have to admit that most leftwing people I know would protest about it across the board. However, keyboard heroes is where they stop as far as activisim goes.

Damnit man you made me cough out my coffee

Wow such mess!
Much apology.

Haha I don't know why I'm laughing.. I thinks it's just the fact how it dips at the end.. Not because of Muslim culture :)

Poor misguided, brainwashed people. It's so bad that you can't have any arguments with these kinds of people. Scary, even thinking about this gives me the shivers...

You and me both.

Berkeley University is full of morons like this.


The glory of this chart is you could put a lot of things in the place of "Muslim culture" and it would probably still work. "Against men" comes to mind, but I bet there are lots more and certainly other cultures we could paste in there too.

"White People" would be an additional substitution.

Lucky for us, you don't need to discuss with left-wing activsts when you drive past them with your Audi.

I'm sure you mean over them?

It'd be a fun idea, but even though the blood comes off, leftists are typically skinny and all those bones can dent my car. It's expensive to be fixing the car all the time.

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