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RE: EmDrive — The Physics-Defying Thruster That NASA Is Puzzled Over

in #science8 years ago

Yes, humanity needs to broaden its minds and accept that there can be a teeny tiny chance that our current physics may be flawed.

At one time, didn't the greatest minds on the planet think that our planet was the center of the universe? We were proven wrong then too, right?....Anyways....I truly believe it won't be "rocket technology" that will make us a space faring civilisation. It has to be some other kind of high-tech abilities.


I couldn't agree more. I'll be following you for other news you may have.

Although I haven't posted much yet in this topic, I hope to be writing about alternative energy, propulsion, and other esoteric physic. I hope you'll check my blog and follow so that you'll enjoy some of that! ;)

thanks for the follow.... checked out your blog too! following you :)

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