Hoax of the century; “Earth predicted to be blown apart (Cataclysm) in few days” –Conspiracy theorist.

in #science7 years ago

What will you do when you just wake up to discover you’re the last living person in the planet earth? Believe me; no horror movie can be equated to it.

Another conspiracy theorist, David Meade, is at it again. This time, he got a little scarier and more precise with a prediction (which has been seen as a mere hoax) that another planet, Nibiru (planet X) will collide with earth. 

Image Source

According to him, the collision will take place on 23rd September (roughly one month from now) in what he termed “Nibiru Cataclysm” 

David hasn’t been the only person to have proposed the clash. It can be recalled that there was an earlier proponent to that fact; Nancy Lieder in 1995.

David also predicted the August 21, 2017 Solar Eclipse. Did the eclipse happen? Sure it did, but that doesn’t mean that the eclipse will trigger the cataclysm as he proposed. 

“Nibiru is non-existent to the uninitiated”

Astrodynamics behind this Hoax

The “purported” size of the Nibiru is about 4x the size of the earth with the circumference of about 99,400mile

That means, for it to collide with the earth, it has to be moving at the speed close to 1/4 the speed of earth in the direction of the earth. This is almost impossible.

Image Source

Also, because of the sun's gravitational pull on the earth, for an effective collision to occur; the earth will have to stop for about 5days to wait for the Nibiru (another impossibility). Finally, because of the earth's magnetic field, there should be a polar demagnetization of the earth’s core so as to disrupt the balance of earth's magnetic field (a greater impossibility). 

My question is; where did he get enough scientific proofs to establish this claim? Or could it be a misunderstanding from a reference from the Holy bible?

"Watch now. God's judgment day comes. Cruel it is, a day of wrath and anger, a day to WASTE THE EARTH and clean out all the sinners. The stars in the sky, the great parade of constellation, will be nothing but black holes. - Genesis 13:9-10 (msg) {emphasis mine}.

Nasa's view on this

Nasa has ruled out the possibility of such collision in what they termed "internet hoax", saying that it is non-scientific and not factual. Well, I think that's a comfy.

Thanks for reading

References for further reading: Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4


I think that people like this are either just trying to sell books or they are trying to inflate their ever expanding ego.

Maybe, but some of them are research-based. They can be wrong anyway

Just because something is researched doesn't mean its not pseudoscience. Reading old texts isn't the same thing as empirical research that can be quantified and tested. The human mind is an expert at finding patterns in random events (IE. seeing famous faces in complex patterns or making connections that are minimally correlated but that have no causal relationship). If someone reads enough old texts I am sure they could find any sort of information that could relate back to the present and support even the most ridiculous claims. Confirmation bias also plays a huge factor in such things as well. People often point out all the cases that support their claim while simultaneously downplaying or ignoring any contradictory information. There is always a reason why a contradiction should be ignored lol. Just my thoughts on the subject. Nice post :)

There are many thing we really do not know about astrodynamics, and believe me, some of these hoaxes have some elements of realities in them. For someone to have predicted 1/2 occurrence correctly, I think it's a huge plus.

Yes I agree. There is a lot that we do not know.
My limited understanding of astronomy is that the planets and stars tend to be quite predictable when you understand the math. I wouldn't say that predicting an eclipse is a huge accomplishment. Ancient Mayans and Egyptians and Romans were able to predict cosmological phenomenons simply by tracking the stars over time. Given today's astrological technology, information on future eclipses, comets...etc are probably well known by NASA and are probably even published on the internet.

I hope this doesn't come across like I am trying to argue with you because that's not my intention. I am just trying to engage in a discussion lol

Not at all. We learn everyday, and no one is a repository of knowledge

Now where did I park my space shuttle?

Lol, you can park it in Alternate Reality (second dimension), or in another "multiverse" (Parallel universe)

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