Mineral Mondays #18: Taafeite

in #science7 years ago

Mineral Mondays

Last month I went over 5 of the rarest gems on earth, one of them being Taafeite.

Taafeite is an interesting gem. It doesn't have a long history and it is not very well known, probably due to it's rarity. It's a gem that I do not own yet, but it's on my list.

Source - GIA


The history is very important for this gem, because without a chance encounter it still may remain classified as a spinel. In 1945 an Austrian gemologist named Richard Taafe purchased a bunch of gems from a dealer in Dublin, Ireland which included some spinel. As he was examining the gems he noticed one had a property known as "birefringence", double refraction. He immediately knew the gems were not spinel and sent them off to a lab to be analyzed. The results came back that they may not be spinel, but it wasn't until 1951 when they were chemically analyzed that it was officially known they were not spinel. It was a new gemstone which would be named Taafeite in 2002.

Source - Wiki - an example of double refraction from calcite.

Where To Find It

Taafeite is so far only found in Sri Lanka, Burma, Southern Tanzania and China. 

The Gem

Taafeite is a beryllium magnesium aluminum oxide. It is very similar to spinel which is why it was passed off for so long as spinel. It comes in a variety of colors, from red, green, violet, blue mauve, lavender and colorless. 

The price of taafeite ranges wildly from a few thousand a carat to tens of thousands. Because it is so rare it's hard to even find the gemstone to buy which is probably why the prices vary so wildly. 

Source - Rob Lavinsky

Some Taafeite Facts

  • Shape - hexogonal
  • Composition - BeMgAl4O8(Beryllium Magnesium Aluminum Oxide)
  • Hardness - 8 - 8.5
  • Refractive Index - 1.722
  • Color - red, violet, blue, lavender, mauve, green, coloroless
  • Localities - Sri Lanka, Burma, Southern Tanzania & China

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Next Mineral Mondays #19: Alexandrite

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Wow! That's beautiful! I could use a couple more sparkly rocks for Christmas gifts if you have anything, but this one is not within my gift giving budget!

Yes, even I don't have one of these. I may have to check some of my spinels to make sure though!

I've got a LOT of minerals here in Japan! I don't think they would reach you in time for Christmas though...

Shipping would cost a fortune, too! Check your spinels!

Given its localities, it's interesting that the stone was sold in Ireland and its true properties were discovered so far from its origin. Cool story.

Ya, it's odd that it was found via Dublin, but I guess it could have been anywhere.

Neato. I didn't even know about taafeite! So many gems to learn about. One of my fave things to discover.

I haven't heard of this one before... That first one is definitely a 'wow'!

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