Doomsday...again...steemCreated with Sketch.

in #science7 years ago (edited)

 Since the dawn of time, superstitious noodleheads have been flipping out about the end of the world. Every eclipse, every comet, every oddly shaped cloud, every flimsy stupid excuse for an omen...It is astonishing that such backwards dumb ass thinking is still rampant in our world. Ooo there is a misshapen cloud, it must be Satan! Oooo my, the milk has gone bad, I bet there is a witch nearby...This is sheer idiocy...

The worst thing about it is that the people who think this way are unaware of how dumb they are, and they will fight you tooth and nail to defend their half baked prophecies. If only somehow, they could be instructed in the most basic levels of logic and reason...
Maybe then they would stop professing doom every time an asinine "omen" occured. Numbers adding up to 666? Guess what, that number occurs all the time, so does 777, 1234, 1111, 333 and so on. Try a random number generator, you would be amazed at how often these "greatly significant" numbers occur...

It would be strange if they never occurred...

Whats that you say? There is more than just numerology that supports all the doomsday prophecies? Ancient texts have made ambiguous and spurious claims, and coincidentally, some of the ancient signs have occurred?


If I wrote a tome and filled it with random gibberish predictions, eventually the things I wrote would begin to occur. Of course they would, especially if I worded them ambiguously enough! Even the most random nonsense will eventually resemble some current event by sheer coincidence, it worked for Nostradamus, it would work for you...

Try it, write a bunch of random predictions and then wait for them to occur. You might be amazed to find that anything can be likened to anything, and it wouldn't be long before SOMETHING would happen that sounds exactly like the things you wrote down. BOOM...prophecy fulfilled...These are but a few examples of how superstition, pseudoscience, and all forms of fairy-tale thinking, will continue to instill fear in the hearts of ignoramuses across the world. 

Here's a bit of advice for all the doomsayers out there. Put down your bullshitty tomes of ancient nonsense, and pick up a science book, your brain will thank you...You will find science and logic to be a lot more fulfilling than your fear-mongering bologna. 

Let's recap, there is no magic, no mumbo jumbo, no fairy tales, and....I really can't stress this enough....NO SUCH THING AS !@#$%^ PROPHECIES...

For fucks sake, it is 2017, not the stone age. 

We know what eclipses are now...

Spoiler, it is not god taking a bite out of the sun...


We got many information from science.

This post reminded me that the world was supposed to end (again) yesterday! Haha. I must have slept through the apocalypse... again.

Sept. 23, 2017, ​was more Jewish fear porn put out by the Christian Zionists!

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