The universe is so great?

in #science7 years ago

I will begin with a template for the current educated mind of the modern theory-assumptions about the Big Bang, which occurred, according to scientists, at the birth of the universe. This popular hypothetical theory is argued by the laws of thermodynamics. According to this assumption, the universe was compressed to a point, and after its explosion, objects of mass about one billion tons and sizes with a proton appeared.


And this erroneous assumption from the mind says that these objects are nothing more than microscopic black holes. Alas, I have to disappoint the ardent "theoreticians", there are no objects of the size of a proton and a mass of about a billion tons.


But there is the following phenomenon in the nature of the cosmos - these are objects formed from information clusters (clusters) during the dumping of information from matter, when the latter falls within the range of the black hole. The biggest and "hard" connections that information clusters can form are objects that are a bit larger than a proton and weigh a little less than one gram, or, more precisely, 0.8 grams. These objects are short-lived, that is, there are only fractions of a second, after which they break up into separate "bricks". The formation of such objects is really directly related to the so-called human black holes in the universe.

This is just a theory, but there are many places for imagination :)