Biology - Animal Cells With Organelles and Their Functions (Differences in Animal Cells and Plant Cells)

in #science6 years ago

Hello steemians friends around the world, after a few days ago I made my post about plant cells, today I want to continue about animal cells and also the difference between the two. You who want to repeat the science of Biology about the cell, keep the spirit to read my post.

For those of you who have not read my post about plant cells, please read here.

For those who already let us go. As we already know that there are millions of species of living things that live on Earth, one of them is an animal. Thus there are so many different types of animals with various shapes, sizes, structures of the wild and in the interior, to his behavior.

When viewed from the size, many animals that have a very small or micro engraving to a very large. For example there are animals that are microscopic to blue whales that can reach up to 20 meters in length. On the other hand there are also species of animals distinguished by the type of food eaten, namely Omnivores, Carnivores and Herbivores.

But this time we are not talking about the types of animals, but we will review one of the smallest organs in the animal is the cell. For more details just go directly you see the explanation of animal cell and its function following complete.

What is an animal cell?

Wikipedia: Animal cell is a common name for eukaryotic cells that make up animal tissue. Animal cells differ from other eukaryotic cells, such as plant cells, because they have cell walls and chloroplasts, and they usually have smaller, even non-existent vacuoles. Because it has no hard cell walls, animal cells vary in shape. Animal cells consist of vesicles, mitochondria, centrioles, nuclei, nucleolus, chromatin, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, microtubules, plasma membranes, vacuoles, cytosols, core membranes, Golgi bodies and lysosomes.

Cells are a unit or unit of Protoplasma. Then Protoplasma is the substance of living cells. In general, each cell has its own cell contents, so it can be said that each cell can meet its own needs. Then around the cell there is an outer membrane surrounding it. There are so many theories about this cell that say:

  • All living objects are composed by/from cells.
  • All cells grow from another cell.
  • All metabolic reactions of living organisms directly inside the cell.
  • The cell carries descendants from mother to child.

What is the size of the cell?

For cell size, generally the difference for this cell size corresponds to the volume in the area of the cell itself. The size for active cells performing metabolism tends to have a smaller size than the inactive cells of metabolism. Broadly speaking the compiler of animal body cells and plants has a diameter of about 10 - 30 μm.

What does the cell look like?

For the cell shape itself we can mention the form of cells in animals there are usually four kinds, including:

  • Small discs
  • Celondong
  • Kolumner
  • Polyhedral

The Structure of Animal Cells and Their Functions

Cell structure? As for the structure or arrangement of cells from the outermost to the deepest is as follows:

Eukaryotic Cell (animal) : CC Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported

1. Cell Membrane

The cell membrane is one of the most outer parts of the cell and functions as a cell wrapper. In the cell membrane is composed of protein (Lipoprotein). In addition, other important role as a regulator of minerals and nutrients contained in and outside the cell.

2. Cytoplasm

In addition to plants, cytoplasm is also present in animal cells. The cytoplasm is part of a liquid cell and has a gel-like shape. In its formation, this organelle undergoes two phase processes namely gel phase (liquid) and sol phase (solid). Usually these fluids can be encountered on the nucleus which is generally referred to as Nukleoplasma.

3. Endoplasmic Reticulum

Reticulum Endoplasma is an organelle that is composed of threads and lies in the cell nucleus. But the experts divide the Reticulum Endoplasma into two, namely the fine Endoplasmic Reticulum (REh) and Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (REk). For Rough Endopasa Reticulum can generally be attached to the Ribosome. As for the fine endoplasmic reticulum has a role to not attach to the Ribosome.

4. Mitochondria

Mitochondria is a cell organelle that has a very important function. This section has a role as an in-cell machine. In this organelle has two parts, namely the membrane layer of the grooves and is usually called the Kritas. In addition there are parts of glucose and oxygen substances that work together in the process of energy formation in cells.

5. Microfilaments

Microfilaments are a cell organelle formed from the actin and myosin proteins. When viewed from the shape, this section at a glance almost the same as Microtobulus, but that distinguishes both on the texture and size. Usually on Miktofilamen has a soft texture and has a small diameter size. For the function of the microfilaments themselves are acting as the driving of endocytosus and exotic cells.

6. Lysosome

The lysosome is a pellet-like cell organelle bound to the membrane and in this section contains the hydrolytic enzyme content. The enzyme will be useful as an intracellular digestive controller under any circumstances. This part of lysosomes lies in Eukaryotic cells.

7. Peroxisom (Micro Body)

Peroxisomes are cell organelles that have small pockets containing catalase enzymes. For the function of the enzyme itself is to break down peroxide (H2O2) or toxic metabolism, which can neutralize harmful water and oxygen in cells. Peroxisom organ itself is located around the liver and kidney cells.

8. Ribosomes

Ribosomes are organelles of cells that have a solid, small surface texture, with a diameter of about 20 cm. The role of Riosom itself as an RNA translator in order to form into a polypeptide chain (protein) by using only amino acids when the process of translation. In addition the organelles also consist of RNA Risobom (rRNA) as much as 65% and the rest is Ribosom (Ribonukleoprotein or RNP) protein about 35%.

9. Sentriol

Sentriol is one of the cell organelles that have the shape almost the same as the tube. This part you can find in Eukaryotes cell. On the other hand the function of Sentriol is to play a role in cell division in the formation of Sisila and Flagela. In addition, a pair of Sentriol can also form a joint structure known as Sentrosom.

10. Microtobulus

As we all know that besides being in animals, Microtobulus can also be found in plant cells. Microtobulus is a cell organelle located in the cytoplasm and can be found in Eukaroite cells. The shape of Mikrotobulus is cylindrical long and hollow. Then for the size of the organel that is with a diameter of about 12 nm and outside diameter of approximately 25 nm.

11. Golgi Agency

Glogi apparatus or more commonly known as Golgi Agency is one of the organelles of the cell that is related to the function of cell excretion. Usually the Golgi Bodies can be found in all Eukaryotic cells. As mentioned above that this one organel has a very important role that is in the process of excretion in the cell. The shape for this Golgi Body is almost the same as the flat pocket that is small to large and bound to the membrane. You need to know that every cell in animals always contain 10-20 golgi body.

12. Nucleus

The nucleus is a cell organelle that acts as a regulator or controls all cell activity. This process starts from metabolism to cell division. Other Nuclei Other species also contain genetic material in the form of long Linear DNA that forms chromosomes. In general these organelles can be found in Eukaroite cells and consists of several parts such as nuclear membrane, Nuekloplasma, Chromatin or Kromoom and also nucleus.

13. Nucleolus

Nucleolus is a cell organelle located in the nucleus of a cell or nucleus. In addition tu organel this one always plays a role in protein formation by using RNA or Riboukleic acid. On the other hand Nucleolus also functions in the formation of proteins.

14. Nucleoplasm

Nucleoplasm is one of the cell organelles that has a dense texture and can also be found in the nucleus of a cell or nucleus. In Nukleoplasma turned out to consist of chromatin fibers that are solid and form a chromosome. One function of this organelle is as a carrier of genetic information.

15. Core Membranes

The nuclear membrane is the main structural element of the Nucleus that encloses the entire organelle. In addition, this organelle as a separator between the cytoplasm and the core region. These organelles are not permeable so that most of the molecules that make up the nucleus require core pores. Thus the nucleus membrane is able to cross the membrane.

Differences of Animal and Plant Cells

As we all know that although animal cells with plants are almost the same, but between them there are always some differences. The differences between animal and plant cells you can see in the table below:

DifferencesAnimal CellsPlant Cells
LisosomOwnDo not have
PlastidaDo not HaveHave
Cell WallDo not HaveHave
SentrosomHasDoes not Have
ShapeFixedNon Permanent
VakulaHas No / Small FormHas / Large Form

So, that's some explanation of animal cells in my post this time, ranging from what the animal cell started, the structure to its function and also the difference between animal and plant cells. Hopefully with this article can help you all in re-learning biology science that we may not remember anymore. That is all and thank you.

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Balubu : Animal Cell Structure and Its Function
Wikipedia : Animal Cells
Biologi-Sel : Differences of Animal Cells and Plant Cells


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