The Gasoline Conspiracy

in #science7 years ago


There's a lot being written and talked about alternatives to fossil fuels these days, but very little in terms of a solution. Electric cars, public transportation, the list goes on and on with very little common sense being thrown into the mix. So let's take a look at the problems and prospective solutions.

Problems: Fossil fuels require drilling for oil, which is environmentally hazardous (particularly with the advent of "fracking"), non-renewable, so when it runs out, it's gone. Burning fossil fuels pollute the air. Oil spills in offshore facilities, pollutes the oceanic environment- basically, we can all agree that fossil fuels pollute.

Solutions: Electric cars. This may sound pretty good except for a few troubling and frequently overlooked items. First, electricity has to come from somewhere. Unless you put a lightning rod on top of your car and hope for a thunderstorm, you have to get it from somewhere. Producing electricity requires either burning coal (a pollutant) or diesel fuel (another pollutant) or nuclear plants. None of these is really a viable alternative if you really think about it. Also there's something ingrained in the American psyche... the need for speed. I may not be Albert Einstein, but I'm fairly confident you're not going to go to a NASCAR race and see a bunch of guys get strapped into electric cars and whiz around the track at 45 mph and draw much of a crowd. This is clearly NOT the alternative we're looking for.

However, this is not to say that there isn't a good alternative... one that's been with us since the beginning- alcohol. In the early days of the automotive industry, alcohol was the choice of auto manufacturers... particularly Henry Ford, the man that made driving available to almost all Americans. What could have happened? The answer is simple... John D. Rockefeller, the man who gave us Prohibition.

According to David Blume, The Dude that beat crude, and many others, prohibition wasn't about Americans drinking too much. It was a plot engineered by Rockefeller who owned Standard Oil, to prevent Henry Ford from producing alcohol burning vehicles. Standard Oil, like any other mega-corporation seeks to eliminate competition. J.D. Rockefeller, in fact is quoted as saying that: "competition is a sin." So he donated $4 million to the Women's Temperance League, a bunch of whacked out blue-hairs that hate alcohol. They, along with a bunch of zealot preachers lobbied Congress and the 18th Amendment became law.

If you really think about it, alcohol is preferable to fossil fuel for a number of reasons. It burns clean, and doesn't pollute. You don't have to drill for it, thus eliminating the potential for oil spills and other disasters. It is farmed and is therefore a renewable source for fuel. This in itself is good for the economy as well as the environment. One of the best sources for alcohol production is hemp.

It burns clean, it's renewable, it's good for the economy, good for the environment... what's the downside? The oil companies hate it and the government is run by mega-corporations, not we the people. Where are all the environmentalists, why aren't we hearing from them? They're too busy riding around in ships that burn tons of diesel fuel trying to save the whales, I guess. If you really consider all the advantages and the downside (I can't think of any), alcohol is really the best option. Existing vehicles can be easily and inexpensively converted. Oh yeah, about that need for speed thing... here's 3500 hp of alcohol burning fury! (2:17)

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Not that oil is a fossil fuel! - it’s actually abiotic and no more likely to run out than molten lava. And that’s why, despite America’s best efforts to keep the price high by starting wars, it’s constantly getting cheaper.

Check out my posts about the GEET Fuel Processor my dad invented! It turns any liquid into fuel for anything that burns fuel and produces zero pollution!

Thanks. I'd be happy to check it out!

Exellent write-up Rich.

Needless to say, the Powers That Should Not Be also withhold technology that would allow us to use cheap, clean energy. The rabbit hole is deep! 🐰

Technology also exists that allows running cars on...
Water! Hydrogen to be exact. But I am just having my tea...

ch @globocop

Can you retool existing cars to run on water... I'm all for it if possible- also there's the need for speed. I don't want a car that won't do over 35 (i had one it was an Izuzu)

Not an expert on it - but a lot of false info has spammed the internet to make believe it is not a viable option.


It makes sense... water is oxygen and hydrogen, both of which burn... but then there's that whole internet thing. (I keep thinking about the Flat Earth nuts) Why can't I ever meet any of those guys- I've got a bunch of bridges for sale!!!

Yeah - mental illness is spreading.

There was supposedly a guy that used water hydrolysis and ran the resultant hydrogen through a standard carburetor -- back in the 80's if I remember correctly. There were YouTube videos about him once upon a time, but I don't know if they're still up. The engine was on something like a modified dune-buggy frame as I recall.

Found him... Stanley Meyer. Thought to have been offed by petro-black ops or some such.

Stanley needed to hire an army first... I remember him. People don't like new ideas- especially if they can't cash in!

Maybe should call that the "Tesla effect."

water is an is the RESULT of combustion of hydrogen and oxygen.
it cannot be burnt again.

Electric cars will be the norm in 20 years.

Stupid, stupid, stupid short sighted idiots! Alcohol cars create jobs... the possibilities are endless. What are you going to do with all the gas powered cars? They can be converted easily to alcohol... not electricity. Where are you going to get all the electricity needed to power the cars? This is really poorly thought out!

alcohol is more expensive to produce than gasoline and has less energy density so it gives less mpg.

Alcohol (Ethanol) is made from food products (primarily).

Creating a fuel source that competes with a food source for resources drives up the cost of foodstuffs (not just the items themselves, but the farmland and labor resources for farming the source as well)... this can have severe catastrophic impact for those barely making ends meet as it is.

At the beginning of US Ethanol usage the price of tortillas in Mexico skyrocketed 400% as the US grain supply that was previously shipped there was diverted to make fuel. This led to riots and protests, as well as families going hungry.

Unless people start eating hemp, there shouldn't be a problem. I made the same point in a comment. The competition between ethanol producers and livestock farmers has driven the cost of pork and beef up... That's why hemp is the best alternative.

People do eat hemp. The seeds are pretty nutritionally superior to a lot of other grains. I hear it makes decent brownies, too. The milk sucks though.

It still needs land, cultivation, etc.... less workers/acres being used for food crops (food farmers switching over to the new "cash crop" specifically) drives up food prices as well as using the food itself as fuel. I know everyone wants hemp to be some miracle problem solver so that it can be legal and they can smoke it whenever they want... but it's just not. Not saying it should be illegal... it shouldn't... just saying always trying to find "reasons" to validate its legality only muddies the waters of the issue.

Have you heard of wind, water & solar energy sources?

My wind powered car isn't running right now! The amount of electricity needed to run a nation of vehicles would make your alternatives unrealistic... what do you have against alcohol???

Electric cars also requires making a whole lot of replacement cars. What are you going to do with all the existing ones. Alcohol only requires a small adjustment to existing ones... time to go back to the drawing board!

Wow. Your rant is at lvl 9000.

Wind turbines are used to convert wind into electricity. At home you can use that to charge your vehicle.

Same process for solar energy or water power turbines.

It just seems odd that in a post specifically about what sustainable energy sources this world needs you never mention the obvious viable choices.

FYI I have nothing against alcohol, I love it! I think it's an essential element in beer, wine and other spirits.

Wind turbines have turned out to be the worst way to get electricity. They're inefficient, expensive to manufacture and made mostly out of stuff that requires petroleum to make (petrochemicals, etc.) Cars also don't run well on wind or sunlight. it also leaves you with the problem of what are you going to do with all the existing cars. people want cars that go fast... not electric pussy cars!

Not to mention that the wind turbine farms that have popped up over the last 20 years, killing birds, are all subsidized by taxpayer money and will never reach a break even point in terms of the energy produced compared to how much they cost. Wind turbine manufacturers are getting rich off of the taxpayers.

Then there's the what; 6-8 hours to recharge one car? Maybe the recharging stations can rent rooms for the night too?

There are SO many drawbacks to electric cars I have to do another post... I'll blow those electric car racists out of the water- watch!

Good Luck.

You're trying to deprogram religious zealots.

I just posted it so check it out (I hope I wasn't too harsh- NOT!)

This is for you:
electric pussy car.gif

Please do click the source link for the full video, with the gif you are missing out on the awesome sound this electric pussy car makes...

The deeper you look, the more you find self interest behind most things in society.

Agricultural hemp would be awesome. Incredible biomass, thrives on poor soil, myriad of uses, no food competition.

Instead, we try to do it with corn, a nitrogen hog.


Another advantage of hemp is it eliminates the need for ethanol. Ethanol is made from corn, creating a competition for corn between farmers and ethanol producers... this drives up corn prices which in turn drives up the cost of beef and pork. Eliminate that competition and beef and pork prices come down (or become profit for someone else, which brings the self interest thing in again)

Well, that makes too much sense -- have to discard that idea immediately!

the problem with self interest is?

electric cars are cheaper and simpler to maintain, and more economic too, since electricity is so much cheaper than gas. That is why I believe they are the future. One of the ways somebody can earn money in the future is investing in electric cars stocks today.

and we can make electricity by burning alcohol?

Well, in the cities, electric cars have fuel burning cars beat. In the country, it is the opposite.
Electric cars are more efficient, but when you account for transmission losses, charging losses, etc, you are only a little better than gasoline cars.

There is nothing to invest in, in an electric car company.
Electric cars, as you mentioned, are really really simple. If someone comes up with a battery that is only twice as good as a lithium-ion battery, america will switch to electric overnight. It is quite easy to drop in a motor in place of an engine. It has always been the batteries and the change of lifestyle that is the bottleneck.

Highly rEsteemed! I very much agree with this article.
Thank you for sharing.

Thank you Frank! I have to do a rebuttal for the electric car nuts today!

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