That needless need to categorize...

in #science7 years ago

It all started by categorizing animals, plants, stars...

Until we ran out of things to group up by similar characteristics and started categorizing everything into smaller sets.


Yes, it was "somehow" okey, yet -at one point- we overdid it.

We started creating antagonist groups: Black or white, one or zero, with or against.
We forged entire societies under that dichotomy way of viewing things, when we forget a larger group: The ones that don't give a fuck about that grudge.

Social groups, today, are used in a condescending way. There's few situations in which a tag is not used to depreciate that certain stereotype.


The truth is, weak minds prefer to join a side or another rather than having a judgement for themselves: A judgment that does not categorize PEOPLE. Because that is what all stereotypes are, PEOPLE.

No matter how you want to categorize them, it all breaks down to: PEOPLE.
People with individual interests and objectives that may or may not share with other PEOPLE.

Whenever you see a "tag" categorizing a group or person, consider it a fallacy. A poor way of disregarding the value of PEOPLE to state a rather weak point.

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