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RE: Computer Intuition

in #science8 years ago

Dangerous ground you're touching there. Since you elegantly avoid the fact that advanced AIs could have self consciousness. A natural human fear of being surpassed by their creations, we only keep this superiority with the "I can pull the plug whenever I want" method.

But, what will happen when machines become a VITAL part of humankind's survival, and "pulling the plug" disenvolved into millions of people starving?


Thanks for the idea, now I've something new to add into my "to do" list of articles :D


yes, but before we have advanced, noticeably conscious AIs, we will have to contend with deeply-learned algorithms replacing most if not all "higher thinking" jobs. Engineering, call center service, medical diagnostics, teaching, could all easily be replaced by something that's learned but not necessarily "intelligent" per-say. Sure, this will be a stepping stone toward a true AI, but we will have to contend with machines being better than us long before we will have to worry about them being a threat to us. That's the moral and philosophical break that we will have to get over first.

If you ask me, I rather be operated by a robotic surgeon than by a human one that may've been partying all night long a few hours ago.

Just as the Industrial revolution made a lot of people lose their job (forcing them to adapt into new professions), we will have to do exactly the same thing.

One step at a time.

As I state at the start:
"Just as I am, perhaps this is an article that speaks about a "possible future" under a grandiloquent tone. I risk, in my defense to mention that we're in the middle of a new technologic and scientific leap. You, just stick to the facts; the rest is debatable."

Oh I 100% agree. I'd also rather have all the vehicles drive themselves. The issue is, that we can only remove so many jobs without a functioning and intelligent political system before we have a complete and utter economic collapse, which will be paired with a huge depression and possible civil war. If our governments dont wake up to these things, among other issues, no amount of awesome technology will stop us from collapsing in on ourselves.

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