Ghosts do not exist - Science and paranormal activity

in #science7 years ago

This article is born out of ignorance, not mine but the one I had to withstand at my most recent stay in the hospital: Where religious people from assorted Hogwarts Schools attempted to convert me into their clubs...
When 1000 prayers are totally unable to find a rock the size of a marble in my gallbladder... While a skilled doctor touching my abdomen with a single finger was able to (to later corroborate the assumption with a nice echography).

Believing in ghosts, spirits, and other "spooky" things is something that is traditional in our species since ancestral times. Entire religions were forged with the anvil and hammer ignorance shapes. "Spirits" attempting to explain the purpose of death after life of an individual, in an attempt to grant us some sort of immortality; exploiting that desire for everlasting existence in exchange of a present, tangible financial benefit to the organization.

This sort of belief still endures today, yet, how much truth hides behind that nonsense? Even with thousands of paranormal researchers attempting to find hints of supernatural beings everywhere (some even got TV shows at "reputable scientific TV channels"!!!) for decades: science is still waiting for a single, convincing and verifiable proof.
All the supposed "evidences" found until today are nothing but hoaxes, falsifications, instrumental errors or too ambiguous to be even consider them any of the previously mentioned ones. Literal: Worthless shit.

Paranormal activity? Yeah, because that is what rational people call rat infestations, termites in old houses and materials dilatation by temperature change.

A nice example of these "bad practices" in this "paranormal club" are the so called orbs, these white spots that show up in pictures from time to time. Modern ghostbusters adore when they find these in pictures located at graveyards or old mansions, while, as any photographer knows they are nothing else but dust specks, humidity or insects that pass by as the flash lights up. Close, and out of focus: you get that result.
Knowing this does not stop some people from believing it is some sort of paranormal manifestation. Ignoring hard, reproducible facts for the sake of having a "find" that feeds the always hungry ignorant pleb that follows them.


Ah, pictures... About hem we've nothing to do, even videos with enough effort are doubtful evidence. Today, anyone with a decent computer can produce hundreds of "visual evidences" of whatever they like! Of course, paranormal believers require more faith than logic to believe...

What really convinces people about spirits is other people's testimony about what they "saw". The complicated evidence to be found is, an explanation to the thousands of testimonies all around the globe that would group them all in a single, solid, explanation. A theory!

In this article I wanted to review some of the natural causes that induce people into believing that they witnessed "paranormal activity", because (even when many "believers" say otherwise) science (and common sense), CAN explain many of those experiences (and the ones left with no explanation, are yet to come; otherwise Zeus would still exist as reason for thunder striking... but we don't like making up answers). So, here's a beautiful example.

Visions, noises and "entities"

In 1998 employees in a lag claimed that they could see ghostly figures in their peripheral vision that vanished as they attempted to look directly into them.

As two researchers decided to look for the reasons behind this phenomenon, instead of declaring the lab "cursed" they found out that a lab was making the air vibrate at 18.98 hertz. -Oh, the irony!- Our eyeballs are at the same frequency! This means that, that slight air pulsation leads into our eyes deforming, making light behave like it shouldn't in there. You don't believe me? Try it out yourself!

Of course, as they turned off the fan, the visions were gone... Some claim that it was the fan that was cursed, others state that it's the frequency that summons entities from the underworld, ready to feast on the vision of the unaware mortal souls...

I prefer, sticking with Science.


Take my magic internet money.

I find it interesting how both sides can find proof to support their claims.
Some of the most documented and verified happenings, this post doesn't even touch upon.

One of the biggest problems in this area of research is that there isn't a good classification of ghosts. From my view, there are memories (physically located, manifestations of happenings at that area. Such as civil war battle locations). people continuing their lives in a close dimension. And actual spirits who have not passed on.

Infrared light used to be in the arena of paranormal, but now we have sensors to sense it... and it has become scientific knowledge.

We will invent methods for everyone to see apparitions, and when they do, then it too will become scientific knowledge.

AND!! For all those people who have definitely experienced something strange, I am sorry for all the "sciencisms" that try to say you didn't experience anything. That is not science.

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ok, that edit went totally wrong, is breaking!

"Proof" is one thing, "hard evidence" is another one.

Saying "fire burns" is no proof, neither is a piece of charcoal.

The fact that after exposing wood to heat you get charcoal as a result is proof that fire burns (wood).

As for the case of ghosts, I am SURE that there's a possibility that some sort of entity "could" exist in a plane of existence we cannot measure (thanks to the limitations of being in this dimension imposte into us).

It is as likely as extraterrestrial life, just because we cannot measure it, it does not mean it does not exist.

Now, from that to "claim" that a speck of dust in a shitty Chinese camera is "evidence" of such entities existing... there's a huge leap.

If we have to believe in stuff with no hard evidence... I rather believe in Unicorns.

Totally agree. And while science has explained a lot of paranormal events away (attributed to vibrations, reflections, magnetism..., etc), we can't definitively prove that they DON'T exist. And of course, not being able to prove something is real doesn't confirm that it is unreal (your mention of aliens is a perfect example of that). So are ghosts and spirits real? I don't know, I don't see enough evidence to prove it for me, however I certainly don't see enough evidence to disprove it entirely.

Mas allá de lo paranormal, siempre he pensado que aquel que cree en algo superior o en el mas allá, es por el solo hecho de que necesita encontrar esperanza para su vida, por propia disconformidad con esta. Como si inconscientemente tuviesen la necesidad de poner todos sus infortunios en el deseo de que venga "algo superior" y les destierre todos los males.

Soy agnóstico y he discutido con ateos y creyentes. Sinceramente no se si existe algo en el "mas allá", siempre necesite ver para creer pero tampoco me siento con la autoridad para negarlo. Por ahora estoy con vos y me quedo con la ciencia. Es lo que mas logica me representa.

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