Most People Are Dumb - Except You Of Course!

in #science6 years ago

What's up gang?

IQ is real and it doesn't look good for most people. It's something we all know, but no one really admits it's true. It's our collective skeleton in the closet.


Standard Deviation andThe Dunning-Krugger Effect

I promised myself I wouldn't go overboard with stats and graphs this time. The point of this post isn't to convince you about the validity of the g-factor nor how accurate online IQ tests are(n't).

The point of this post is for me to rant about how stupid most of y'all are.

See, most people have an IQ between 95 and 105. That's your average(100). You can do most stuff, work most jobs and be an all around decent human being. If you move DOWN one Standard Deviation, which is 15 points, then you are barely fit to be in the army. Actually, the same cog of the machine that hires killers, deems you barely competent to not be so fucking useless you end up killing other people.

If you move UP one SD from the mean, then you are capable of abstraction and teaching the basic stuff. The thing is that IQ isn't linear, rather parabolic in effect. Every point of IQ over 100 means is worth exponentially more. So much that a fella with an IQ of 130 (roughly 2.15% of the population) is as far ahead of the general population as the general population is from a retarded individual (IQ of 75).

It's getting worse though. The people who have a sub-par intellect experience the Dunning-Krugger Effect. They feel their abilities make them superior. Cocky, but dumb. They don't have the ability to ponder or to be self-aware, hence they just assume they fucking rock. Imagine that for a moment. Really let that shit sink in. How much this explains life? The bell curve doesn't lie!

On The Other Hand, Really Smart People Are Pussies

Risk averse, incapable of functioning like a normal human being, weirdos, nerds, emotionally stagnant, they really suck with the other gender (dumb people breed like no other animal).

Don't conflate intelligence with awarness. Most geniuses are disgustingly naive and they get fucked over all the time. Just look at the mainstream and you'll see really smart people getting played and buying into nonesense propaganda shit.

You rarely get to meet an intelligence man that is not pure soy.

Virgin Nerd vs Chad Billionaire

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It is SUCH A BIG COINCIDENCE there's such a disparity between people in money, relationships, fitness, academic success, achievements.

Well, perhaps not. A dangerous man is the one that is both danger and play. One that can be a savage and an intellectual.

If we were to talk strictly about financial success, then sure you can just hide in your office, work 100 hour weeks and be a fucking millionaire. But you'll also be as interesting and developed as my nephew who spat in his own eye by accident. There's a sweetspot somewhere, but you need to have intelligence AND cohones. You actually need to be confident, assertive and audacious enough to say "FUCK YOU" to the establishment and do your own thing, WHILE winning the game.

-Your Steemit bully, Thatredbeardguy

P.S- I bet many of you jerked-off to this post, because I may have fed your ego. "Oh I am SO smart, look at me, I am SPECIAL". Please, don't be a dork. You are simply an inflated bubble of information. Now read these posts, before I come in with the squad and kick your dog in the nuts:


Men And Women Are Different
This Is How Fucked Up I Am
Fail, Cry, Whine, Dissapoint, Break Down


When you are more intelligent, you can see much more subtle patterns.

And so, it is easy to take to heart the adage "don't judge".
Average people see good guys and bad guys.
Calling a spade a spade, or a con a con.

Intelligent people always give the benefit of the doubt, because it is possible for someone to act like a con, but be genuine. (of course, most of the time this is wrong, but...)

With too much intelligence you will very quickly analyze a plan and see that you have no way of achieving the goal.
A less intelligent person will just start, and usually by luck, will find a way to achieve the goal.

Yeah, analysis by paralysis is a major downside of high IQ. The paradox is that the people who should take action more frequently, don't and the people who shouldn't, do.

😂 Oh, thank you for that. You really don't need fancy charts or bell curves to know the world is being overrun with dumbshits. Love this. Following.

Oh, I have more charts than a post grad student majoring in actuarial, I am just waiting for someone to cry "Muh EQ!" and I will release the metaphorical stat Kraken.

Quaking at the thought.

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