# 2: Science Highlights Daily | 2018-08-22

in #science6 years ago

This is a curated articles about the latest discoveries in science and interesting articles tackling technology and society.

Lobster krill fight off big penguins with their tiny pincers: Sam Wong

Penguin-mounted cameras show that 7-centimetre-long crustaceans can sometimes fend off attacks from predators 10 times as large

Nanofibre net draws drinking water from the air for drought-hit people: Frank Swain

A new material made from nanofibres can capture hundreds of litres of drinking water from the air and could help drought-hit communities

Bacteria can be used to turn type A blood into universal type O: Chelsea Whyte

A new family of enzymes found in the human gut has been used to quickly turn type A blood into type O - which can be used for transfusions in anyone

Nanobots can eat nerve agents and then spit out an antidote: Chelsea Whyte

Proteins that break down nerve agents while simultaneously pumping out the toxin’s antidote could one day be embedded in clothing or skin ointments

5000-year-old monument was built by a society without leaders: Alison George

Why go to the effort to build a vast monument when you’re a wandering herder in a society of equals? A 5000-year-old burial site in Kenya offers some clues

Pools of water ice found hiding in the darkest recesses of the moon: Andy Coghlan

Data from an Indian probe has revealed the first solid evidence that frozen surface water exists in shadowy craters at the north and south poles of the moon

Life may have begun on Earth 100 million years earlier than we thought: Michael Marshall

A new timeline of early evolution suggests life on Earth began 100 million years earlier than we thought, while meteorites were still pummelling the planet

A drug’s weird side effect lets people control their dreams: Alice Klein

Researchers have developed the most effective technique for lucid dreaming yet, and it may allow people to fulfil fantasies and overcome nightmares and phobias

Don’t restrict women’s contraception rights through moral panic:

Failures of the contraception app Natural Cycles have been linked to abortions in Sweden. But critics should remember all contraception fails sometimes

Send in the lawyers to win the fight against climate change:

A rash of court cases is challenging governments and fossil-fuel interests on climate inaction. Some question whether such actions are legitimate – they are

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