Substance vs Ontology of the events. ¡Consciousness! (Part II)

in #science6 years ago (edited)


Continuing with my dissertation on Consciousness. In its second official episode of the series on this topic that I just started yesterday. And in whose introductory chapter I already lightly mentioned a few key elements to consider. And in which I've also briefly described part of the fundamental processes that have to be taken into account for a better understanding of the chapters and episodes of this series of posts to which I will expose you soon throughout this week. ¡Here is the nutritious second part today!

So, attention from now on!! This one today is the second chapter. From which, as I had previously offered. I am going to eloquently immerse you into a journey of enthralling exploration, extreme discovery and perpetual introspection that you will never forget.

Approaching the subject with all the seriousness, sobriety, depth, complexity and strict scientific rigor in an always entertaining, didactic and revealing journey through the insides of yourselves.

Let's start!!

Look me straight in the eyes .. and tell me you don't feel anything, liar!!

"War Between BRAINS"

The human brain is genetically and structurally interconnected (Hardwired) to recognize faces much easier than many other objects, according to a storage scheme and model or mental map (Stigma) previously established.

In such a way, that when a face does not look like it should be, we use our mental models of what we know and recognize as a face and our 'mind' tries to complete the rest.

The brain struggles to extract information in the order and sequence stored in this mental model and our eyes fight with our 'mind' when trying to decipher this face.

(Note the emphasis on the word 'mind')

This struggle is precisely what produces the current disturbance you experience when observing this image.

At the end, Consciousness is nothing more than the fact of being awake and alert to process information.
Doctors judge whether people are conscious or not according to their waking state and how they respond to external stimuli. But being aware undoubtedly is also a remarkable neurological phenomenon by itself. And certainly is part of what allows us to exist and understand ourselves before the world.

However, consciousness implies subjectivity, a sensation of having a self that observes the organism itself as separate from the world that surrounds that organism.

"Stigma vs Homunculus"

"Don't forget activate CC and choose the subtitles in your language for a better understanding"

¿Could it be that we are really just sophisticated receiving and transmitting antennas, most of the time absolutely unconscious and ignorant of the frequency dial within our reach to exercise our true tuning capabilities at will and synchronize our inner world more efficiently with the outside world?

¿Would be sufficient the simple knowledge of its existence and our 'conscious' desire to practice that tuning at will. Enough and necessary as to be able to achieve, master, receive and transmit the power of "The Intention" in a vital and effective exercise of interconnection and communication with ourselves and our peers?

«-Neurons - Soma - Dendrites - Axons - Synapses-»

¡Gosh! wadda tangle of cables gentleman!!

As you have seen throughout the video, we are not only a compendium of I/O interfaces (The 5 Senses) that capture, receive and process external stimuli as a series of nervous/electrical impulses that travel through a very long journey activating in their passage a series of components in different systems and subsystems of our interior that then end up distributed, classified and finally stored as 'stigmas' in different specialized parts of the organ that centralizes all the activity of our nervous system.
That intricate gelatinous mass in our 'roof' that we call our brain.

These nerve impulses are just patterns. Digital if you want. Some mental models and conceptual symbology of 'binary data' that are compressed, compiled, encoded and encrypted through our very individual, intimate and personal version of the 'low level machine language' of the particular compiler of the OS running within our head.

However, the most curious aspect of this coding process lies in the peculiar 'homuncular' distribution of the figure which, depicting the rest of our body, it is represented as relatively distorted in the map of the sensory somatic cortex in our brain as a pretty strange approximation to the true anatomical replica of how we look and we are in reality.

But in short, that the Homunculus concept has many interesting things to talk about in relation to consciousness. And I think that's why I will leave the subject to develop later in the next installments with a lot of complementary didactic and audiovisual material that I will specially elaborate in greater consonance with this aspect.

So let's continue below with:

¡The Qualia!

“Properties Of A Conscious Experience”

We all know, we think we know, or according to our subjective experience, we seem to know what the red or blue color looks like. But, ¿how would a person blind from birth describe the color red or blue? If even describing that both colors are only a certain amount of particles and photons of light that produce what we call "red or blue", we still do not know if the "red and blue" that I see is equal to the same "red and blue" that you are seeing.

Let's see... ...said a blind man!


I insist that there are only white spots at the intersections... but of course, we might also disagree.

¿White or Black?


It's not an animation, it's a "simple" image... but, seems like nothing is static eh?

Or is it?


Again! Repeat after me one more time and don't change perspectives...

¡More static will be you!


AHA! looks like you're already catching it. You actually deserve some flowers as a prize. But, first tell me...

¿They rotate or not?


Uh? Ah! ok, ¡Watchout! Pay attention and take care between what is seen and what is said.

Again!! Try to say aloud the color of each word, not the word but the color with which each one is written.

¿Do you realize and you are 'aware' that your right part of the brain want to name & say the color but your left side fight and insists on reading the word?

Ok, just a couple more.

But first, read the explanation and instructions below:


"If your eyes follow the movement of the pink dot that rotates, you will only see one color, the pink one. If you look at the black cross in the center, the moving dot will turn green. Now, concentrate on the black cross in the center of the image.
After a very short period of time, all the pink dots will gradually and slowly disappear and you will only see a single green dot rotating"

¿Is not it amazing how our brain works?

In fact, there really is no green dot in the image and the pink dots don't really disappear.
¿Shouldn't this be enough proof that we do not always see what we think we see?

This effect is known as Motion Induced Blindness and shows that when the brain is presented with a contrast stimulus it tilts to the most predominant, sacrificing its attention to certain aspects within the visual field. The most curious thing is that this phenomenon we could experience in some cases in daily life, without us noticing.

Last but not least...


Let's talk about perceptions, assumptions, changes in perspective and points of view.

Yikes! ..yep, certainly this article today may have been 'perceived' as a 'supposedly' long TL|DR post by some of you. But I bet it was also kinda informative, entertaining, fun and rewarding to those who really want to be 'conscious' and learn something new every day. Well, it's just for them that this series is dedicated. A series of articles that I have not yet defined how many episodes will be included. But I promise that at least I will try to make them a little less dense and shorter in the next installments. };)

"As we say over here on my neck of the woods"

To learn, you have to fall! To fall, you must READ until the end! To READ until the end, you have to be patient. And to have patience, you really have to be CONSCIOUS.

So, if you liked this post you know what you have to do. If you don't know yet, read carefully the hints and suggestions below. And if you think that the content of this post could be of interest to any of your followers... ¿What are you expecting for to resteem it?

«-'Abstract Aural Bit'-»

Leave a comment. Share your experiences and feedback. ¡Be part of the conversation!

(To tell the truth, I could not pass this opportunity without also include in this post a sample of an 'Acoustic Illusion' before closing. A testimony and audiovisual evidence of the humorous nature and geographical location from which this series of posts originates. A testimony that in this infinite, dynamic and ever changing universe in all its imposing and immeasurable extension, both, outside and within ourselves there is no such thing as eternal, imperishable and immutable. Everything is cyclical and will have to be repeated many times with only slight variations. And that is indeed the mechanics and functioning of the consciousness. From a country called Venezuela)

¡Until the next episode!


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