in #science7 years ago


For the ancient Egyptians, music played an important role. It is estimated that music began to become important in Egypt since the advent of the Pharaoh dynasty in 3100 BC, music began to be found in many daily lives.

The inhabitants of ancient Egypt were very organized, and this included how they organized and organized music and musicians. They play music for religious ceremonies, but it also plays and performs in workshops, palaces, farms, on battlefields and even in cemeteries. Egyptian gods like Hathor and Bes are their musical deities and they have many ceremonies devoted to their gods involving songs and dances to accompany the play of musical instruments.

The ancient Egyptians had a number of professional musicians who played on many occasions. The musicians have backgrounds from various social classes. Musicians from high social classes only play music for certain events such as for religious ceremonies at temples, while lower class musicians may only be able to play for ordinary members of the public or during the festival. The highest honor for musicians when it comes to the status of 'shemayet', which gives this musician an opportunity or ability to play for a particular god or goddess and this musician is mostly female.
The royal family of pharaohs has its own personal musicians of the highest quality. These musicians are not only people who play instruments, like harps, but also singers and dancers.

When examining the hieroglyphs (pictures) of ancient Egypt it was discovered that the Egyptians created a wonderful selection of musical instruments. They assemble instruments of wind and percussion instruments. They also accompanied their musical performances with clapping and singing performed by men and women. Many instruments have been found showing how much they appreciate their instruments for writing the names of their gods on their instruments.

• Percussion instruments include rattles, hand drums, bells, musical instruments called sistrum. Sistrum is a handheld metal instrument with a 'U' shape and has small metal or bronze pieces hanging. When shaken this instrument gives a lot of noise. Some sounded like a loud banging, while the others just rattled softly. Wind instruments include trumpets, single and double reed flutes and some flutes without reeds. Instruments with strings are all picked. Many images from the ancient Egyptians showed them playing harps, harps and harps.

The musical value for the ancient Egyptians existed in all life forms beginning as part of their religious praise to their gods as well as part of the celebration of everyday life. Some of the pictures have been found, showing community groups playing instruments, clapping, and singing. The ancient Egyptians also wrote lyrics and poems for their music and them. Some of these songs to praise their gods, while other songs are written only for pharaohs, wives and members of the royal family. Like other civilizations, the ancient Egyptians also used music to express their emotions and feelings.

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