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RE: Ever heard of Dino-Chicken ? The REAL Jurassic Park plan to re-create a DINOSAUR from a CHICKEN

in #science7 years ago

thanks for your comment @ilvstranger.. It's true, we've been warned many times about the dangers of interfering with a nature we barely understand. I think genetics is part of our future. understanding how to unlock it's secrets is our next big step. It takes us into an entirely new realm of power and commensurate responsibility. We tamper with GMO's at our peril. We don't know how genes from one organism will impact the environment and while GM wheat may actually be of little consequence if it's just grows a shorter stem or a vitamin enriched kernel, we will by CRISPR.. and we may perish by it's sword like action too. I hope we develop a strong set of ethics around the re-animation of extinct species. If we killed off Tigers or a certain frog, it feels right we should bring them back.. they've been living happily for many year before we acquired chemical pesticides and chainsaws. However, ancient species are a different problem. We know about alien species and the havoc they can wreak. Cane toads & rabbits in Australia. Slipper limpets and crayfish in Europe, the list is endless. Ponder this though. What if it was humanity which decided the the of the Mammoth, much like it's cousin the African elephant today.. For meat then surely, today for trinkets.. Do we have a responsibility to try and bring it back ? I don't think we'll ever know and probably shouldn't. I would like to see a Dino-chicken though. Just because the five year old boy inside me is still a little bit fascinated, awed and scared of Dinosaurs !


You know, i have a saying and keep telling people around me lately. When you want to do good and you don't know how, you maybe make more bad than good. And with the best intention and being the most beautiful and good person on the planet (i hope you take that statement as a good one not offending, its just an ascertainment of what i see in good people doing).

I don't think that we can play around bringing back species and thinking we can make good. That species haven't dissapeared in 1 week or 1 year. It was some time to get there. And the ecosystem it took its step in balancing that or not. And with us trying to make things work again, when already changed in a way, we may unbalance again.
Nature has its own ways to solve things and what we see is not even 2-3% from what it really is.

Its just my pov of things.

As we did with pets... i know its nice and good for US. But for animals? We created so many species of domestic animals just to have fun with them and help US. Not for them. But this is another story. Although it may prove our selfishness.

And also the dangerous species you mentioned (not understanding english at that level ;-)) you know, maybe they were jsut to prevent so much crowd on the ecosystem. You see that water has its own sanitary fish who clean the mess, wild life the same... and we just populated the most space on this planet and with our belief of doing good we kinda unbalance all the life here. For us are no cleaners. And here i'm not speaking with bad thought or intention. It is just a truth.

In my opinion we are th worst being on the planet. We destroy more than we create and make good. Who knows, maybe that is the way it meant to be... then be it. But i think we are the last to choose what is good or bad.

And now the fun part at the end, hahahaa i would love to see that Dyno Chicken... but i can't run, with my bad knee and walking with a crane and i think i will wait for him to come ;-)

Also, i can't kill animals and think will never can. So... i would play with him for sure, if possible.

It is still a kid here too and hope will be till the end.

Love the chatting here and hope you too.

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