Maya Astrology Enchanted Moons - The Moon Of The Jaguar- From March 7 to April 3

in #science7 years ago (edited)

From March 7 to April 3

His Mayan name: BALAM, the brave jaguar.
Your plant: CHE CHEM, the red dwarf tree.
Its stone: YA'X CHOH TUN, the alexandrine.
Your bird: AHAU PEPEN, the monarch butterfly,
that flew thousands of kilometers from the south
to find your partner in the mountains of the Mayan lands.
Its star: the galaxy M 31, a rose of light on the jaguar's ears.
Your lucky number: 9.
Its color: red, symbol of the passion that runs through the veins of jaguars.
His verb: challenge.
Your season of the year: the last part of summer.
Your body area: the eyes of the jaguar.
Your Country: if they were living on top of an airplane,
traveling from one place to another.
His spirit is nomadic.

The Jaguar is the ninth step of consciousness of evolution, in the Maya Génisis. It represents the spiritual part of man, his essence, his infinite being. The divine spark that dwells in the center of your heart, your eternal and immutable soul. The nine is the number of the mystics, finds its symbol in the nine Lords of Time in the history of the Maya. The Karmic board that governs destinies. The Ascended Masters, and the Angelic Hosts. It is the ninth ascending spiral turn in the cosmic elliptical. Humanity has stuck here a leap of quantum consciousness.

The Talisman of the Jaguar

Jaguars are the most passionate, audacious and fiery animals of the Mayan zodiac. It was a sacred animal for the Olmec, descendants of the gods. They were born to do what others considered impossible, they enjoy the excitement and adrenaline that makes them always be at the edge of the abyss. The Jaguar is a conqueror, first identifies the prey moves stealthily, slowly, and imperceptibly is placed in a privileged situation and when the other does not expect, hit the claw. The more difficult your conquest and the bigger the prey, the more enthusiasm will give you the challenge.

For the jaguars there are no half measures, they go through the extremes defying the laws of physics. They are overwhelming, untimely, like the eye of a hurricane traveling at a thousand kilometers per hour. In love, if a person born in this sign has put an eye on you give up, will unfold each one of his tricks and tricks and will fall at your feet. You will wonder how he did to seduce you if you had never noticed a person like him and yet there you are loving him, needing him, and anxiously waiting for him to call you. The jaguar is an exceptional lover knows the secrets of sex, every corner and G-spot of the human body. They are masters among the savannahs and this is one of their great skills, and he knows it. His allies are: the Peacock and the Bat, with both makes an incomparable team, a strange combination of ambition, power and audacity, a cocktail difficult to overcome. He tries to cultivate his friendship with the Turtle that gives him the peace that he never has, the only one that manages to calm him down.

In his profession, as in everything else, he loves challenges. He was not born for small things: businessman, inventor, rock star, journalist, writer, boxer, are some of the careers that caught him.
The talisman of the jaguar is its own inner strength and that nonconformist spirit that will encourage it to surpass itself. That will be your energy and motor.

To meditate:

You and I are brothers of blood, made of the same substance, each fulfilling his destiny on this planet. We are much more than tree and human. We are representatives of the divinity, going from strength to strength through the infinite times. You can enrich the Earth with your enlightened love, something that we can not be a channel for new energies in our openness and acceptance of them.
Message from the Deva of the Trees, by Dorothy Maclean


Describing a jaguar woman is an impossible mission. She changes and mutates with time, with the seasons, with the rain and with the sun, she is one and many at the same time.

There is a contradiction between what you want and what is. She is first of all independent, a wild lioness that adores her freedom. A caged jaguar becomes little by little a resentful and frustrated woman who blames those who prevented her from growing and exercising her will. But in turn the jaguar woman desperately seeks a man to contain her, she feels unprotected and alone before the world, and needs someone who knows how to shelter her on winter nights. But when the men approach her to comfort her she roars like a beast and her suitors flee in terror.

You should measure your effusiveness if you want to get a husband to accompany you.

The woman of this sign catches with the look, has a huge power in his eyes, sometimes his eyes are innocent, others hint a hint of sadness, sometimes the jaguar woman's gaze is defiant, as if she wanted to eat the man who He has in front, he will use each of these resources as secret weapons, to attract his victims to his powerful trap. Seductive, feline, so, even with its defects and virtues, the jaguar woman is a chapter that you can not stop reading


The jaguar has a reputation for being indomitable. If you want to conquer a man of this sign do not show too much interest, rather make him think that it is he who wins you. They like to think that they are the kings of the universe, that's why they like to conquer their prey.

Once a jaguar has set its eye on something or someone, it moves slowly like a cat, silently and imperceptibly approaches its prey, and once it has it lurking, ready for the final thrust, it gives it the claw. . When a jaguar is in pairs, it needs to be fun. When the couple stagnates it is for him the grave of the marriage. Who is in pairs with a jaguar, should have a very high dose of creativity, to keep him always interested and active.

You have to be a telepath to know what you think, and there will always be a part of the jaguar that you can never reach. Behind that fierce man, you may find a frightened kitten, but he will never admit it, that is why he shelters behind that appearance of an independent person, fearing perhaps, to reveal his vulnerability.


We already described in detail the people of this sign and their feelings. There are few animals in the zodiac that are able to tame these beasts. The best friend of the Jaguar is the Peacock (from November 15 to December 12), because they have common codes that the others will never understand; they are adventure buddies and they make a unique team, between the two they are capable of conquering the world.

They also have an affinity with the bat (from July 26 to August 22), which guesses the thought before it can speak. But deep down he deeply admires the turtle (from June 27 to July 25) for that pair that he would like to achieve.

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