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RE: NASA are Lying Liars that Lie. Why do they lie?

in #science7 years ago

I don't know, NASA may have had to make some scenery in order to broadcast the landings, but I doubt that there is no landing sites on the moon. They could be checked from earth with a powerful enough telescope or from orbit by satellites. If some pictures are fake, I don't know. And when I wouldn't call it science, I would call it conspiracy theory.

Anyway I think that if we ask why someone is lying about what happened a long time ago, it's not fair. Anyone that has lived long enough has some secrets or things that would hurt his self esteem.


"There are devices left behind by the astronauts that can be “seen” by some telescopes. These are corner reflectors that reflect light back in the direction it came from. Some specialised observatories regularly illuminate these with laser beams and view the reflected signal in telescopes. With the reflected signal the distance of the Moon can be tracked to a few millimetres accuracy. Australian scientists first carried out lunar laser ranging in 1977." Source:

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