The future creates your present and now even the science of physics proves it!

in #science6 years ago (edited)

Excerpt: How is reality created? Why is only one probable future manifested out of infinite ones that are available to us? Our future has no less influence on our life than the past or the present have. While the point of power remains always in the now moment, there is something that is called the now-future. In the recent years, science has backed up this notion thanks to the work of Prof. Yakir Aharonov. This post of mine probably will appeal to the rational/science side within you. Enjoy.


Credit: pinterest

The Nobel Prize in Physics for 2009 went to "Masters of Light". This is the nickname given to three scientists whose explorations in the past decades allowed the creation of YouTube, hi-speed internet, Digital cameras and many other features of our current technology.

One of the final candidates though, who eventually didn't win the prize was Prof. Yakir Aharonov, an Israeli physicist specializing in Quantum Physics. In 1959, he and David Bohm proposed the Aharonov-Bohm effect for which he received the 1998 Wolf Prize.

I have the feeling that the world, and the spiritual milieu in it, has not yet realized how profound Aharonov's discovery is for the understanding of our reality and the way to create it.

Reality creation is well known and largely practiced by many people. "You create your own reality" is no longer an artificial slogan but a well-based assumption that one is not required to comprehend in order to put it to a good use.

There are many methods to create the reality. Various teachers will give you different tools, physical exercises, mental practices, emotional motivators and so on, that will surely work to some extent or the other. Not many though will be able to explain how the reality is created from a physical point of view. For that latter goal, I recommend that you read "The Unknown reality" A Seth book (two volumes) written in the late 70ies by the deceased channeller Jane Roberts. Here I will refer to one notion explained in that book.


Reality creation explained

Our current position in life is changed by the past. This is logic. It is simple for our minds to grasp. We all understand how the past affects our present. The things we did, the experiences we had, the thoughts we conceived, the emotions we felt, are what made our present moments to be what they are. Our reality is based on a linear time-line orientation that one needs to adopt in order to function in our system.

Interesting things happen though when we begin to actively create the future. The process is familiar to each of you because you have done it many times. You do it every day. We look upon the future, imagine the desired outcome, choose it and let it realized, trusting that our choice will be "heard", "answered" and manifested. What happens next is that our body cells, along with every cell of consciousness that exists in our reality, are changing themselves, matching themselves, altering themselves, according to the unique conditions of the probable future that we just chose. Our present is affected, then, not only by the past but also, and perhaps to an even greater extent, by our future. That singular future is "calling" upon those cells and particles and communicates with them in order to pave the path between the present and its own location in that future.

The Aharonov-Bohm effect proved that mind boggling spiritual principle! To put it simply, one of the implications of the A-B effect is this: It was known that the Atom, or any physical particle for that matter, is affected by its previous position, from its past. They have discovered that the particles are also affected by their position and experience in the future! The researchers found out that the small particle "knows" how, when and where it will be in the next moment and alters its current conditions according to that future.

The meaning is amazing. We have long been taught that the way to create reality is to think positive, imagine that our dreams come true and send thought forms into the future. We did it without really understanding why and how it really works. Now (or actually since 1959) we know the specifics.

The Aharonoc-Bohm effect proved this spiritual assumption many years before it became worldly known, providing a milestone for the skeptic minds of the reality-creators among us. Now, we only need to wait and see what other proofs the official science will provide for us in the next decades. I for one am waiting for science to declare that it found a definite proof for the existence of the soul. This discovery will be a turning point in the evolution of humanity.



I'm honestly thinking these topic and those days I had scary feelings for further future. But I attended positive minded conference and fortunately I could change ma mind. Now I don't care my past worst time. I wasted many time for un successful tasks. Now I'm polish & refresh mind. So everyone don't weird to future. Thanks to nice conversation.

If we pay close attention, we can discern and decipher how everything in the present Now is already in alignment with and hinting towards the future Now. As I said once, our "Universal dreams" containing insights into past lives, future lives, and parallel lives are stored in our subconscious accessible for everyone yet most lose touch with them due to daily worries keeping us caught in what is in front of us instead of letting us focus on what is within us. When I hadn't been aware yet of my future life many years ago, I always wished rather in Unawareness "I want to live on planet where technology is almost non-existent", yet as I found many years later through Astral lucid insights, that is exactly the case on the planet I'll be born onto. So more specifically, it is not that I conjured this up, but the future Now (next life) had already been starting to bleed through into and overlap with this present Now ( this life). So yes, the future Now is already present in the present Now, and if we pay attention, we see some signs. We don't need to get into our Universal dreams even to see these signs, but just pay attention to our interests, thoughts and feelings right now.

So for our mindset, we can now switch from the self-victimizing "I don't wanna be here, I wanna be there!", to "In order to get there, I have to be here now, and only because I am here now, I'll get there". Our lifetimes are not separated from each other but overlapping and interconnecting in its deepest sense.


we see some signs

like synchronicities.

..and congrats on the new avatar👍

To commit to the present moment is to accept our inability to control the future and accept that many of our fears and reactions are just what they are, thoughts and emotions that are irrationally internalized.
We will never be completely void of the temptations to look into the future when we are in the present; however, one must come to the understanding that by looking too far off into the future, we taint the future by creating an artificial expectation of what the future should hold, and are emotionally drained when it holds something else. Focus on the present, and you will come to have more control over the future naturally.

We generate thousands of thoughts a day and they make us feel a certain way every time we think about something. We feel many emotions everyday and we never question what type of time we are living. Are we living the present, past or future?

How do we know we are stuck in the past? How do we know we are really in the present? How about the future? The feelings we generate everyday are always the answer for everything. Depression is a lower vibration that is holding us back to move forward in life for any reason. In other words, we kind of feel behind and not ahead, which it can tell us we are living in the past without reaching the preset.
You are right dear @nomad-magus The future creates your present

Our mind is a harsh occupier, leading us astray from the now moment.

Its an interesting concept I've never heard about before and after thinking it for a bit, i guess there have been a few times in my life where i feel this might have happened to me... This is basically the science behind the power of projection and desire, if you visualize what you want and desire, maybe by doing that you are creating a future where you have it and then your cells are attracted towards that future.

The trick is to stay focused. As is was said - "make you eye single". When the focus is kept the path between the now and the desired future is clear and solid. When doubt crawls in the path splits and the future seems to be chaotic or stuck.

Well, it's no doubts that the future determines the present as much as the present determines the future. Both are someworth interwoven and that's actually the beauty if life.

But can one ever know the future? The only thing we know is the present and even at that, one can't really predict his future by what he encounters in the present. Life is a give and take. Even though many do not believe that things happen by chance but by the efforts you put in. I believe that life always wins and I take whatever it throws at me while I await the future .

But can one ever know the future?

Why would you want to know your future in the first place? Part of the beauty of life is the expression of the soul-self within it. The joy that you feel when you are surprised by your creations. For me, a known future is boring and stagnant.

The researchers found out that the small particle "knows" how, when and where it will be in the next moment and alters its current conditions according to that future.

Believers know for thousands of years there is the existence of the soul. Scientists are diferent. They need actual visual od physical proof. They might believe in it subconsciously, but there is a reason they became scientists. I would love them to finally proof the existence of the soul. The book of doubts will finaly come to its end.

science with future and present related ,,i remain it s present where its come ???how it will make???its so surprise question..but i mean from future components present time is made no doubt,,i appreciated with science ,i mean we are each creating our future moment to moment by the thoughts, feelings, actions and choices we make today...

a small surprise for you dear sir as a fan of @nomad-magus sir ,,you can see it if possible

how it will make???its so surprise question

Indeed. The mind has great difficulties to accept it at first because it is used to think linearly. But once accepted it makes sense. The future communicates with the present (this is energy), and constantly checks with the present of its projected vision. It's difficult to accept this because for the linear mind the future does not exist yet, so the mind asks how can something that does not exist communicate with something real?!

Your token of appreciation is well received🙏

In short, one of the implications of the AB effect is this: it was known that the atom, or any physical particle for that matter, is affected by its previous position, by its past. They have discovered that particles are also affected by their position and experience in the future! The researchers discovered that the small particle "knows" how, when and where it will be at the next moment and alters its current conditions according to that future.

wow! really a theory to be studied in depth, perhaps for many it could be difficult to understand (I include myself) how the future can alternate your present? I have always said that we are beings of greater intelligence, but that we lack much learning, it is the mind that can control your future and move towards it for your present? then my thoughts, objectives and desires should be considered in the very short term? Would that make the weather better? I sincerely believe that I am missing some post to fully grasp the message, but the subject is fascinating, it seems that every moment I get closer to my crazy theory that we can achieve everything, only that we must focus more strongly on it, in this case, we have to study and learn, these thoughts are not always easy to digest! Thank you David friend, I wish you a happy day.

It's a start.
The first step, as you state correctly, is to realize that the human is powerful and can indeed create the reality to their liking.
Blessings. 🙏

Double blessings to you, it's strange your quick response, I thought the time difference would not make us agree, thank you for your kind comment.

time travel....parallel world....we are getting close :)

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