Artificial Intelligence Lies Break Through A Brief History - Can AI Positively Reveal Our Lies?

in #science6 years ago

Since the fight, there is a lie.

There are many situations in which people lie, and some are unconscious. For example, “have you eaten yet?” “Eat.” Liars between lovers can instantaneously break up the small beautiful moments of the Shanmeng League. The business lie will make the silver flowers flow freely. After all, the lies of politicians are destroying a country in the midst of a collision between lips and teeth...

The British are boring to count that people have to lie at least 80,000 words throughout their lives.

Of course, someone is lying and someone is busy exposing. If every lying person grows Pinocchio's long nose, then there may not be a lie in this world. But after all, it is a fairy tale. Throughout the history of mankind, the struggle between people and lies has gone hand in hand. This is mainly because the lie has caused too much harm to others and to society. Therefore, it has to find ways to expose it.

Then, what are the traces of this picture of struggle with lies that are worthy of our attention? Let’s have a quick chat with hot soup and talk about the twists and turns of human beings on the path of the polygraph.

Did not lie? If you say it, you have to listen to God

The cult of theology is filled with people who are full of ignorance and fear of nature. Then, it is natural for the devil to judge who is lying. How is the deity judged? He can't jump out and point at someone who says "This is a liar." That's too unimpressed. The gods always have to use certain objects or phenomena as their carrier.

For example, ancient India, Cuban, and ancient Germanic people would all adopt a method called “water review” to test whether a person is lying, specifically, throwing people into the river, who is innocent, and who will sink— That is, the spirits will not let him come. He is a liar.

In medieval Europe, a duel was used to prove that right and wrong are more general forms. Because people think that this duel is controlled by God, how could God let the right side lose? So whoever wins, whoever says it is the truth; whoever loses, it must be sanctioned. Even if the parties are dissatisfied with the judgment of the judge, they can challenge the judge. If the judge was beaten down, it would be a reversal...

This is a typical miracle.

Of course, there is even more ridiculous: Cambodia will throw two people into the house to cut off water food, and whoever is sick is the one who is lying, and who puts his hand into the boiling water. If the hand is scalded, it means lying and so on.

There is no doubt that these methods of divine evidence are limited to a primitive and pathological form of lie detection under the lack of scientific means. Today's people may be confused: Why is this absurd approach accepted? In fact, it is also well understood. In the ancient world of theology, people often subconsciously found a consensus in the face of unexplainable problems. Of all things, only God is the only one. Therefore, no matter how absurd the way, from law enforcers to those who fail, they all maintain a high degree of psychological recognition of this approach. The referees do not think that they are doing evil, and those who don’t believe in law do not feel that they are abused.

Is it ignorance? Maybe, or maybe not. However, judging from today's perspective, there are certainly not a handful of spurious cases. Behind this is a cruel history full of blood.

Fog to open: gradually take the lie detector

In the prevailing evidence of God, there are also some people began to explore a more reliable lie detector. Although the method is primitive, it fully embodies the "smartness" of the ancients under limited wisdom and conditions.

In the 17th century, Indians invented a method of “chewing rice” to detect lies, which utilized simple physiological knowledge. Since innocent people have no emotional pressure, saliva secretion is normal and there are many meters that can be spit out. The liar is nervous because of fear, which leads to insufficient oral saliva secretion. With the tongue dry, the spit is naturally less. This method still fundamentally utilizes the physiological abnormalities produced by human psychological changes.

The application of more methods is the judgment of human psychology. Well-known British donkey tails, Indian monkey tails and Chinese touch clocks, when guilty people touch, donkeys, monkeys, and bells will all cry or ring. Those who are not guilty will not have these situations. Of course, these will be notified to the tester before testing. Then, in this way, guilty people will be affected and he will not be allowed to contact. Do not dare to touch, it is just a trap, because these things are painted in color. With both hands stretched, you know who is a liar.

Before long ago, China had actually had a relatively scientific summary of the physiological and psychological characteristics of the liars. "Zhou Li" clearly stipulates how to judge the real situation in the face of lawsuits: "Listen five times to the prison litigation, and seek the people's feelings: One chanting, two eclectic listening, three arrogant hearings, four hearings "Five eyes listen." By observing the five aspects of language expression, facial expression, breathing frequency, ear changes, and visual expressions, you can try to figure out the person's heart condition, and judge whether the verbal statement is true or not.

Combining physiological changes with psychological activities to summarize and apply them not only has positive significance for the fair handling of early litigation cases, but also contributes to the theoretical basis of modern polygraphy techniques.

From the evidence of God to explore the physiological and psychological reactions of people when they are lying, this is a huge improvement. This shows that humanity has gradually become more aware of itself and has begun to control and handle affairs. Lie detector is no longer a deity's patent, but human beings can manage it.

However, it can be clearly seen that although people use physical and psychological knowledge to conduct a lie test, they have two major problems: the judgment of the subject's uncertainty and the omission of the judgment basis.

What is uncertainty? In other words, judges who judge one thing will change frequently. For example, in terms of "five listening", although it provides a direction for theoretical guidance, each judge will have differences in grasping accuracy due to intelligence, knowledge, and other reasons. For example, to what extent is it guilty of speaking and vomiting? Or is it because of lying? It may also be hot weather.

So, what is the omission of judgment? If a prisoner has a mental quality that is slightly beyond the average person's face, if he is not happy and does not jump and speaks fluently naturally, then this move will not work. One can see very clear changes in performance, but it is beyond the capabilities of the others.

So what can people do?

Technology Growth: Powerful Driving of Polygraph Accuracy Improvement

The appearance of the polygraph symbolizes that polygraphing has become a problem that can be solved with technology.

Even modern lie detection techniques still follow a basic logic from capturing physiological characteristics to performing psychological judgments. From the end of the 19th century to the present, the polygraphs invented by humans are generally represented by the following physiological criteria.

  1. Based on pulse. This method was first used by Italian criminologist Ronaldo Rosso. It was filled with water in a special container, and then the subject's arm tangled in a tube wrapped around the top was immersed in water while clenching his fists. Then, the heart's beating amplitude will be recorded in the form of glass tube water level rise and fall, so as to judge the subject's psychological feelings when receiving the question. Lumbroto used this method to crack many cases, which also made pulse lie detection a turning point in the innovation of lie detection technology.

Supporting the pulse test was American Marston, who developed a pulse pressure gauge and developed a systolic blood pressure test device. Although several cases were cracked, this person was more inclined to commercialize polygraph techniques, such as marriage counseling, such as testing the psychological reaction of wife and husband kissing with different strangers.

  1. Breathing, pulse, blood pressure and other linkage basis. The lie detector, developed by University of California Medical School Larson, is to scan the respiration and heartbeat to record its continuous changes, and to record powerful stimuli based on obvious abnormalities. This was the first dedicated polygraph instrument and successfully cracked a shopping mall.

With the introduction of the skin electrical test, the professional polygraph was born, and the way of determining the polygraph instrument became rich. In 1945, John Reid created the "Reed-Spectrum Scanner" on the premise of his predecessor's work. The test indicators include blood pressure, pulse, breathing, changes in skin resistance and muscle activity, which greatly improved the polygraph detection. The accuracy of the result.

In 2015, MIT developed a project called “BioPhone” that can generate pulse and respiration waveforms by extracting heartbeat and respiratory data. If this technique is used in lie detection, it will very likely bring about a revolution: the polygraph will no longer be needed, and the polygraph will also become a thing that can happen anywhere, anytime.

  1. Based on brain waves. The use of changes in the brain's electrical signal is one of the more popular lie detectors. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania used volunteer magnetic resonance imaging to test volunteers and found that when people lie, they produce strange brain waves. This type of brain wave is called P300. In simple terms, the more irritating information the subject is exposed to, the greater the amplitude of P300. Using this fluctuation correlation, it can be roughly determined whether it is lying. Of course, the development of this technology is still immature, and there are more criticisms at present, but it is still one that can look forward to the future.

It can be said that under the blessing of biotechnology and electronic technology, the accuracy of lie detection technology has been improved unprecedentedly, and it is increasingly recognized by most people and countries. Then, after the rules of the AI ​​entered the era of AI, what skills can it provide for polygraph detection?

The Lie Detection Techniques in the AI ​​Era: Opening Your mouth before seeing you

It may be that for some other technologies, to some extent, AI is the tool of the tool. The purpose is to make the tool more useful and accurate. Take pictures, for example. As for how much accuracy is improved, it is entirely due to how rich and powerful the AI ​​algorithm is.

So, for polygraph detection, is the role of AI the same?

Researchers at the University of Maryland and Dartmouth College developed an ADRE (fraud analysis and inference engine) artificial intelligence system. To develop this system, researchers used a large number of courtroom videos to visually train them. In this regard, it focuses on the use of classifiers trained on low-level video features to predict human micro-expressions. These mainly recognized facial expressions include five contents: frowning, raised eyebrows, lifted lips, protruding lips, and steamed buns. After 15 sets of video training, its cognitive accuracy rate of micro-expression in the final video polygraph reached 92%.

In the recent past, the United States, Canada, and the European Union are also stepping up their efforts to test a polygraph study, which is mainly used to determine whether a person is attempting to deceive an official. This technology combines intelligent image recognition technology to discover potential signs of movement such as eyeball turning, pitch changes, strange body gestures or facial expressions. And according to a CNBC report, it was able to increase the accuracy of potential fraud discovery by 80%. In contrast, humans are simply weakly explosive.

It is worth noting that this technology has been deployed as early as six years ago. The rapid rise of AI in these two years has also made its progress more rapid.

In these recognition techniques, eye tracking may be a big part of AI. At present, eye tracking has become a hot topic and has achieved certain results in both human and vehicle interactions and mobile phone control. In terms of polygraph detection, scientists at the University of Utah have developed a series of data, in addition to a polygraph, to question people about their pupillary dilation details, reaction time, reading time, etc., to determine whether or not they lie. Well, under the AI's blessing, this eye analysis work is likely to become more detailed.

From this we can see that AI lie detection has a completely new function compared to the traditional technique of lie detection: predicting lies. In other words, you may not have spoken yet, and AI already knows that you are going to lie; while traditional technology requires comparison analysis when several actions are performed at the same time to produce results. Although this time difference is not very long, but for the technology, this is like a 100-meter race. The title of the championship is in fact a matter of minutes.

Lie Detective Techniques Used Carefully: AI May Be No exception

However, people are a very complex organism. Today, we still do not really understand the human brain, spleen, nerves, limbs, and even can not overcome a small cold. Physical cognition is such that psychological research is even more tricky: Where does consciousness come from? We have been trying to find an answer that can explain everything but ignore that it may not exist at all.

Such as the judgment of lies. Whether it is traditional technology or AI, it is inevitably to rely on physiological performance to speculate. Isn't the right way to open the head of a liar or go straight to other places where the correct answer may be stored? By inferring something, especially if there is a great deal of conscious behavior, it may be closer to wireless accuracy, but it will never be 100%.

Even if it is the use of AI for facial expression or motion recognition, special circumstances must also be taken into consideration. For example, a person's physiological irreversible movements, such as the mouth blinking, will not be analyzed by AI income expression? Or stutter? Or is it like the common problem encountered by traditional polygraphy techniques: Why does the person who tells the truth, because of the nervousness and similar physiological characteristics of the liars, can accurately find the subtleties?

For conviction, even if only 0.001% is wrong, it cannot be the basis. Therefore, the result of the polygraph test can not be used as evidence in court and has been controversial. It is also true that the United States ignored the results of polygraph tests in the 1920s and 1930s. Although the accuracy rate has been greatly improved up to now, there are still some states that have refused to use evidence of lie detection.

The problem is that the current technological logic may be the best way to solve the problem of lies - before we can find the mysterious area of ​​the body that indicates the lie, we hope to use techniques to expose the lies as much as possible. So, can AI help us find this mysterious area? Maybe, who knows? However, it is certain that even if it takes a long time, we are willing to wait.

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