
The universe is infinite; this means that there is no beginning. It always is, was, and always will be. Specifically, this is much more easy to visualize from recognizing that the most distant galaxies we see, their light travels in a Figure-8 orbital repetitively, as part of its electromagnetic field, and then we see it at up to ~13 billion light years later. This, though, is like an instant in time for the electromagnetic field of the "particle" causing this, just the same as how it is like an instant in time for us when we observe electromagnetic fields on the small scale.

The biggest thing we can imagine is still, relative to other objects, so small that it is alike to the smallest thing we can imagine. The biggest thing we can imagine also functions the slowest we can imagine, but relative to other particles its function is so quick that it is instantaneous relative to the rate those particles function. This can be extrapolated to: there was no beginning. There are just beginnings, but not the beginning. Like a supernova of a star producing a new environment that produces new systems which evolve through lifecycles. On and on it goes, new beginnings everywhere but no "The Beginning" anywhere.

Nice theory, but I would like to differ.

There are many events which prove that there was a beginning. We observe the expanding universe, the Redshift of galaxies. So, if we reverse the process everything will be squashed together in a tiny dot.

And we also have found a type of microwave radiation which fills the universe, which we may call a fossil of the energy and heat that was generated during big bang. We call this leftover Cosmic Microwave Background.

Another thing is that we see in the night sky uncountable stars. But they also have many blank spaces in between. If you say universe is infinite and eternal, then our night sky must be bright. Because there must be trillion^trilliontrillion... or infinite no. of stars. So there must not be blank space left in the night sky as light from the must have reached till now as there was no beginning.

But this does not happen, what we see in the sky now, is the past. As light has finite speed which also takes hundreds thousands of years to reach here. And that's why the light from most distant galaxies have not yet reached the Earth, or probably it has not yet created, the big bang is yet to happen. As at the time of big bang the space expanded unbelievably faster, much much faster than light. So the light has not yet reached here from the end of the universe and probably will never be.

So, I feel there is something true in the big bang theory.

As far as redshift, motion is assumed as the cause. However, gravitational redshift also could be the cause and as I discuss in many places it is the cause. See The Big Bang's Big Assumption (that assumption being that distant galaxy redshift is the result of motion and not the result of gravity). Because it is caused by gravity, which means it is due to the physical force of gravity on the light as it travels rather than the motion of the galaxy itself, this concept that all things were once together is simply false. It's a misinterpretation of the observation, nothing more and nothing less.

The Cosmic Microwave Background is not the remnants of the Big Bang, but rather it is just the "galactic halo" of the galaxy of galaxies we are part of. It does not prove a beginning, only shows that there is a general somewhat uniformity to the cosmos, which is precisely what an infinite universe brings about as well. This observation was made after redshift observations were made and became a "pillar" of the Big Bang, when in reality they were just looking for evidence that reaffirmed the concept of the Big Bang and made this observation out to be something it was not.

I talk about the night sky's lack of stars in the infinite universe in another post as well. This is because gravitational lensing occurs. It's as simple as that. Light from distant galaxies is not always capable of reaching earth in the infinite universe because it is physically bent so that it travels in Figure-8 patterns, which is how gravity causes electromagnetism. This is also how gravity causes redshift of distant galaxies because light travels in Figure-8 patterns on large enough scales and the object it is centered on gravitationally redshifts the light per distance due to this orbital pattern.

It's not that the light hasn't reached Earth, it's that gravity can prevent it from reaching Earth. Also, as distance increases, the light from those galaxies is less and less--so this effect plays a major role in the night sky not being filled with stars as well.

The Big Bang did not happen. The universe is factually infinite, as can be proven by showing that gravity causes electromagnetism and redshift per distance because this so drastically reduces physics that it necessitates that it is true.

Now, really satisfied with your ideas (actually great ideas)
Never thought in this way --- Gravity can play such a great role in everything (reminds me of the movie Interstellar).

You are such a knowledgeable person. You're a gem in the Science section of Steemit.

You deserve a lot of upvotes and likes on steemit. Please join our channel for minnows on Discord:
There we'll discuss more about it, as this is not the right place. :p

Thanks a lot for your open consideration and kind words! :) I really appreciate it.

I just joined the discord, I am "Steve" on there. Gonna get something to eat but I'll be around! :D Pretty huge community on there, great to see! Is there somewhere to find out more info on what exactly minnows is?

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