The electric universe

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Let's look at one concept that has gotten me quite interested over the years:

The electric universe

If you have never heard about it, you are not alone. This theory is still fairly new compared to the other ones that have been around for explaining what we see in space. Without getting too technical, this paradigm states that the electromagnetic force plays an important role in observed space phenomena and even on processes here on earth. The advantage of this theory is that many phenomena (like the sun, comets, solar system formation, or even geology and human history) can be explained with relative ease.

There is no need for complex and untestable ideas which have now so often protruded into today's scientific domain. Ideas like Dark Matter, Dark Energy, or Black Holes become obsolete. There is a much simpler and more elegant explanation for our reality when we allow for the electromagnetic force.

Of course, this paradigm is not flawless and there are internal inconsistencies. However, because of its elegance and simplicity, it would seem to be a mistake to ignore the work that some of these scientists have undertaken. After all, when we want to judge competing theories it makes sense to remember Occam's principle:

More things should not be used than are necessary.

What follows is a brief introduction of the Electric Universe (EU) by the thunderbolts project:

For thousands of years we humans have gazed up at the sky and wondered. Looked for messages, looked for keys for deeper understanding. But perhaps the cosmos is laughing. Do we really see the universe as it is or as we thought it should be. throughout the space age astonishment and surprise had been the hallmark of scientific progress. Everywhere we have looked, whether close to earth or in remote space, we have uncovered hings forbidden by our theories. But we expected to find we have not found. And things beyond all expectation had become common place.

In science a surprise is always good news. It prods to see things differently. To ask more pointed questions. One discovery in space inspires another. And beneath it all today is the encounter with the one thing our theories didn't allow: intense electromagnetism. Electrical and magnetic energies in the vacuums of space beyond anything astronomers expected. That's what has happened as astronomers, physicists and planetary scientists have come face to face with the electric universe.


A new science | Waking up from the materialist dream


Very nice! Thank you for the post! I've always found Electric Universe theory to be incredibly interesting. Have you seen the YouTube channel Suspicious 0bservers (the "o" in Observers is a 0/ zero, not an O)? He deals with a lot of theory, especially EU. He works with Yelverton Labs and the Thunderbolt Project since they do experiments on EU and other phenomena. If you get a chance, it's well worth the visit and he updates daily. A lot of interesting happenings that are challenging mainstream science and dark matter and black holes. Very exciting times! Upvote from me!

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