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RE: A Study Confirms That Plants Communicate Between Each Other Underground

in #science6 years ago

Man, I guess I always kind of figured that plants talk to each other as a kid. Once I was told that plants are alive, they reproduce, grow, and even move if just made sense to me.

As time has passed and technology progressed we are finding one to one relationships allover nature like the wild tobacco and Mexican sage plants that will warn of attacks by expelling airborne hormones and electrical and chemical signals through their roots. Each plant responds by making itself less tasty to predators.

The largest living thing on earth is actually a fungus in North America that acts like an Internet of sorts for the entire forest.

There is little doubt now that every plant in a forest can and does communicate with every other for the strength and survival of the entire community. We have a lot to learn from nature.

I don't claim to know anything for certain but things like this lead me to believe in something greater than us, and one day scientists will reach the summit of the mountain of knowledge and find a bunch of theologians sitting around, getting stoned. After helping the scientists over the precipice they will simply ask, "what took you so long?"