Who Will Save Us From Science? – When the Savior Becomes the Oppressor

in #science8 years ago

Science delivered us from religion, but who will deliver us from science?

What happens when the savior becomes the oppressor, when the revolutionary becomes the dictator, and when the hero becomes the villain?

A common belief is that Religion had oppressed people for centuries. It ruled over us and restricted our freedom. God was watching and the church was helping. Alternative lifestyles were restricted and even punished, and some sense of morality was forced upon all.

Then came “Science.”

Science freed the masses from the slavery of religion. All the “intellectuals” quickly embraced evolution and rejected God, all in the name of “science” and “knowledge.” Only the very ignorant and foolish people stayed in the faith and the world finally began to be a better place, or so they say.

But now, “Science” has become the oppressor.

Isn’t that same “science” that gave people an out from believing in the existence of God the same science that demands two genetically different genders?

Scientifically, there are males and females.

There are X and Y chromosomes.

Someone’s DNA tells you what gender they are.

This is a scientific FACT, not a THEORY like evolution.

However, it is not as convenient, is it? Who is willing to embrace true science when it restricts our folly? Who welcomes science in the door when it testifies against our sinful desires?

Has science become hatful, oppressive, and bigoted?

Can we no longer state that DNA can identify someone’s gender?

Are X and Y chromosomes the new version of religious oppressors that we must fight against and restrict with liberal legislation?

I thought that faith and belief had already been trumped by “science.” If I say that I believe in God, many will say “that’s unscientific.” Where does this reply go when a man says that he is a woman? Doesn’t true science PROVE that his belief is not true?

It seems that science is just as great of an oppressor as religion, and I agree, religion is an oppressor.

Nonetheless, true Christianity, based on a relationship with Father God through Jesus Christ, is not oppressive.

It is liberating.

It is freedom.

It is wonderful.

Yet, man will make an excuse to remain a slave to sin. He will create his own “god” and call it science, as long as it doesn’t hold him accountable for his sin. If it does, he’ll just create a new “god” or excuse, and continue on his downward path.

Where does that path lead?

You already know, so I don’t have to say it.

Three cheers for true science, just another oppressor testifying of God’s truth.

Male and female created he them” (Genesis 5:2a KJV)

I guess true science again agrees with what God has been saying since the beginning.

That’s so oppressive and inconvenient, we may need to come up with a new excuse.

But an excuse cannot change the truth.


Thanks, @narrowminded


thanks for sharing this material, I like what you posted. Thank you so much

I am glad that you enjoyed it.
What did you like about it the most, @jlufer?

Thanks. Do you have any thoughts to add, @billykeed?

I don't see the disconnect between science and the true divinity.

Me neither, when we speak of observable, testable and repeatable TRUE science. The make believe stories of "Historical Science" may contradict the Bible, but I think that is the goal. Thank you for your reply. I just posted about an End-Time Devotional I wrote, which I will official start tomorrow, if you are interested.

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