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RE: Scientific Evidence Shouldn't Dictate Your Opinion

in #science7 years ago

Excellent article and nearly, if not all of, everything that you've stated has also been position for a number of years now. I've even debated with 2 college professors regarding flawed, erroneous and unreliable "scientific evidence" and it's like each and every time it's at best EXCEPTIONALLY difficult for them to even (if ever) consider that, as you've so well stated, that "They can be biased, make errors, have wrong assumptions and most importantly, they can be manipulated either financially or ideologically. Another major issue is that scientific evidence cannot produce facts. Ever. "


you are breaking their rice bowls when you question them

..while they brake my balls


there is so much to complain about in the academic community; institutional bias, lack of a true peer review process, the replicibility problem, "scholar-activists", keeping the results of research behind the paywall of academic journals, etc etc

It's past time we break their balls and their rice bowls

blockchain tech is going to be key in doing that

my favourite: tenureship

much like being a king. Once you rise to that position, nothing can dethrone you, no matter what. you just die on that chair and some other douche inherits the position.

Was Ward Churchill tenured? Don't remember on that; they had to convene a review board for something they knew he was doing all along

It wasn't even the academic fraud that undid him, it was that genocidal statement of his about the 9/11 victims that caused public outcry...the fraud didn't bother them at all, it was just the reason they used to satisfy the public

have no idea. politics were definitely involved though (much like it is the case with this academic farce)

I have debated my fair share of these institutionalized loonies myself.

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