in #science6 years ago

Hello Steemians,

I'm fascinated by great thinkers, inspiring stories and the people who make these stories a reality. One thing I could say is common amongst all these people is the ability to adopt the "genius factor" into their lives. They convert the mundane everyday stuff into something outta this world.


I'm very much interested in how the mind of a genius works. Are there some hidden factors beyond intelligence and IQ? Do we need to go install some bionic chips or something to boost our minds to genius levels of consciousness or is there simply a secret key that we can tap into? Let's find out.

Albert Einstein himself defined genius this way;

Genius can be defined as a high IQ, extreme creativity, or something else altogether.

The popular opinion is that genius has to do with Intelligence & IQ. Infact, its defined in that parlance as...

someone who scores at or above the 98th percentile on an IQ or other standardized intelligence test could be considered genius.


1- The Question Answer Paradox:
Many people regard geniuses as people who their above average intelligence allow them to answer questions. Perhaps they bring intuitive solutions to popular problems and make the answers look so easy.

Now what people don't know is that a genius actually asks more questions than he can ever answer. Its this inquisitive mind that generally takes him towards the path of enlightenment.

There is a solution to every problem man has ever faced. Its only a matter of time and chance that is hiding the answers. A genius recognizes these discrepancies and saunters towards the position of maximal attainment by default.

2- The Genius Of Science Vs Art:
Scientists are generally seen as smart people. The era of the computer age have even created another brand of scientist known as geeks. They generally wear nerdy spectacles, sleep on their laptops all day and hack codes. Is that all there is to genius?

Well, I think that everyone is capable of being a genius in whatever field of endeavour they so choose. It doesn't matter whether its enterpreneurship or day jobs. Geniuses will eventually distinguish themselves as being out of the pile.

3- Genius Starts Early, Late Or On The Death Bed:
Although starting early to develop analytical deep thinking has been proven to be a marker of genius, its not a necessity. Some later bloomer geniuses finally solved their life's big puzzle towards the end of life.

Like is often said, age is just a number. It doesn't really matter. If you wanna be a genius, then you have to work at it.

4- Genius Is Noone & Everyone:

They are not crowd thinkers. However the also know when to key in and think like other people. A true genius is suffering from multiple personality disorder. They can be anyone they choose to be just to solve a given task.

5- Genius Works Extra Hard:
Ever wonder why so many people never become genius? Well, geniuses are perfectionists. They look for the best of beauties and the deepest of methods.

All these deep thoughts require time to brew. A genius has learnt how to solve complex issues while riding a bicycle, eating or even discussing. They never waste time.



Take some minutes and reread this article. Bookmark it for later read. You can be anything you wanna be.



§There is a solution to every problem man has ever faced.

Yeah.. This is what brings out the genius in people.. Thanks for this post @nairadaddy

Yeah! Indeed there are solutions everywhere. Look to see...

Amazingly, we all come into thus world on the same pedestal - "Naked"
Then life shows its colours and brings its thorns and roses.
But that simply says that, we all are capable of doing anything we determine to do...if only we can look beyond the movie life tries to play.

Being genius starts with a decision.
Thank you Doctor

Then life shows its colours and brings its thorns and roses.

That's a poetic comment. Life may show us whatever colour but we can choose to show life our own colours. Keep elevating!

I just learned something new, thanks

Welcome bro!

High Intelligent quotient (I.Q) is the major criteria of defining a genius,just like you stated above but I think everyday reading and learning forms the very basis of being a genius
Amazing article by the way

everyday reading and learning forms the very basis of being a genius

Yeah! Of course...if you don't read, how can you lead?


Well being a genius takes more than just encouragement and motivations in my own understanding geniuses are born. Yes we can be intelligent and smart people but becoming a genuis is a whole ball game. You made an amazing content my gee

Welcome. Well, there are 2 schools of thoughts;
some think that geniuses are made while others think that geniuses are born.
Well, the best bet is a combo of the 2 factors.

In addition Genius are introverts. They learn more when others are speaking..... You're a G lol

In a way. A social genius can also be an extrovert.

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