Is Genetic Engineering immoral? Recent research has reignited the issue of Genetic Engineering.

in #science6 years ago

In genetic engineering, the sections of defective organism’s DNA are removed and replaced with the new one. It can isolate genes and modify it that can be transferred and function within new organism whether having same or different species. When you intentionally modify the genetic characteristics of the organism by replacing its genetic material, it is called genetic engineering.

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Genetic engineering has raised many ethical conflicts in humans. There are many pros and cons of the genetic engineering.

One of the main benefits of genetic engineering is that it can cure many diseases. Obviously it has also cons that it has many side effects that can cause immediate death. It can prevent genetic diseases like cystic fibrosis and Huntington’s disease. It can also reduce the risks of HIV/AIDS. It can improve the social life of individuals making better future generations. It can also be used to understand basic biology.

There are so many diseases and possibilities that could go wrong after from the stage of birth all the way to old age. Some statistics is that 6% of all births have a birth defect and 35% of deaths are due to chronic diseases. “Gene-editing is not an option it is a moral necessity”
Julian Savulescu- Australian philosopher and bioethicist.

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The major discussion about genetic engineering is CRISPR. It is a gene editing technique that can also modify disease. Genetic engineering leads to designer babies which is also another conflict. It is therefore very hard to draw line between using genetic engineering to cure diseases rather to choose which hair or eye color you want in your child. We must know what is morally wrong and right. Genetic engineering will go out of control if we start choosing our child life even before they are born.

There are many arguments which are made against genetic engineering. Human reproduction should not be interfered because we can’t simply “play with God”. We would be violating the child’s rights before they are even born. It is unnatural to modify the embryos. Modifying genomes could be dangerous and we don’t know all the ways to stop its dangers.

However we must also know that natural ways of reproduction could also be dangerous. According to statistics, two-third of human embryos fail to develop successfully.

There are also techniques which are similar to genetic engineering. Like during pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, geneticist analyze the gametes for illness. Unaffected gametes are selected and implanted. The Human Genome Project has also mapped out around 25,000 genes in human genome. Gene editing can be expensive as well as difficult.

“Almost everything you can accomplish by gene editing you can accomplish by embryo selection.
Henry Greely at University in California

Some people worry that if gene editing technology becomes 100% workable, then designer babies” will become huge deal for wealthy people and they will be able to change traits of their upcoming baby.

In short, genetic engineering has become the personal and ethical opinion. Yet it is not much advanced to proceed further. There are people who love genetic engineering as a source to cure diseases. But there are also some people who hate it and term it as gene-editing for designer babies.

Genetic engineering must be used to cure diseases and for human safety and long life only. Its controversial use should be avoided for moral reasons.

What do you think about genetic engineering? Please share your opinion.



I don't see any reason to consider genetic engineering as something, in fact, I think not using genetic engineering when needed could be what's actually immoral. If we can stop a disease why don't do it? It is moral to do it.

Human reproduction should not be interfered because we can’t simply “play with God”

yeah, that sounds like an argument a religious fanatic would say when seeing how science is solving important issues that improve the lives of everyone.

Modifying and improving ourselves is something good, and it will be the only way to survive in the future.

I don't think genetic engineering is bad or that it should be avoided. I do know about the ethical problems, but I think that if we have the power to safely do something, we should go for it.
But there are lots of nuances to this so I think that talks and discussions must be had before we can proceed.

i think that talks and discussions must be had before we can proceed


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