Natural Resources !

in #science6 years ago


Resources are a potential value possessed by a material or
certain elements in life. Resources are not always physical, but
also non physical.
Resources can change (change to another form, good
becoming increasingly large and lost and there are also eternal resources
(always fixed). Biological resources are one resource that can be recovered
(renewable resources) consisting of flora and fauna. Biological resources
literally can be interpreted as a resource that has life and can
experience death. The types of biological resources include flora and
fauna. Non-biological resources can literally be interpreted as resources
who have no life and cannot experience death. Type-
types of non-living resources include mineral, water and air.

Miscellaneous Natural Resources
Natural resources can be distinguished based on their nature, potential, and type.
a By nature
By their nature, natural resources can be divided into 3, namely as follows:

  1. Renewable natural resources, for example: animals, plants,
    microbes, water and soil. Called ter terukan because it can do
    reproduction and has regeneration power (recovered).
  2. Nonrenewable natural resources, for example: oil
    land, coal gas, stone tiara, and other mining materials
  3. Natural resources that are not depleted, for example, air, sun,
    tidal energy, and ocean energy.
    b. Based on potential
    According to its potential use, natural resources are divided into several types,
    are as follows.
  4. Material natural resources; is a natural resource that is utilized
    in its physical form. For example, stone, iron, gold, wood, cotton fiber, roselle,
  5. Natural energy resources; is a natural resource that is utilized
    energy. For example coal, petroleum, natural gas, waterfalls, rays
    sun, tidal energy, windmills, and others.
  6. Space natural resources; is a natural resource that spends
    or place of life, for example land (land) and space.


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