The Ultimate Guide to Surviving an Apocalypse

in #science6 years ago (edited)
Earth could be threatened in several ways. It could be an asteroid, a big earthquake, a nuclear war or even the attack of an alien race. However, in this article we are going to be much more positive to the different apocalypses that we can face. This time we will give some good advice to survive each of the threats that may arise. In this mini guide we will give a step by step to be one of the few remaining on the planet and save humanity, or at least step out until we know what we can do. We start with a classic apocalypse that we saw in "Terminator" and caused by Skynet. Get ready to know how to survive an apocalypse.


Technology advances at a dizzying pace, and it is not surprising that in a few years we have machines that are capable of reasoning and organizing strategies. If we add that they can be thousands of times smarter than us, we could have a problem. The moment machines are self-aware, it may be better to prepare for the worst. In case the man has to face the machines we will have to give these 3 raisins in order:

Preparation - We must prepare at least two to five years before the disaster. We must look for our new habitat outside the cities. The field will be our best option to move forward in the future. Learning to grow our own food and be self-sufficient will be our best advantage. You have to learn to do almost everything, like planting things, building, sewing, and all the basics that we barely do right now.

Survival - This will be in the first week of the rebellion. The first thing is to run out of the city to go to the place you have chosen before. In your destination you will have all kinds of supplies to hold enough time to keep up with what we harvest. Take people you trust, be it family or friends. If you want to survive an apocalypse, it is indispensable.

Prosper - The following years will be somewhat hard, but decisive to return to normal. We must harvest and plant with diversity. We must apply everything we have learned in the preparation period. Remember that the enemy has endless resources. If artificial intelligence has managed to win the war, they will be looking for survivors. You have to be alert at all times.

The enemy's movements must be watched to know what he is up to. In the worst case, humanity will have been defeated, but even then we can survive if we do things by ourselves without resorting to machines.

Zombie Holocaust


With all the movies and series that we are seeing lately, everyone can think that they are already experts in the Zombie world. We think we have everything we need to survive an apocalypse. Whether it's a virus, a military experiment that has gone wrong or satanic forces, we must know what to do. The dead have risen and are very hungry. Society has collapsed and we have to rethink our position in the world.

Preparation - We must learn to fight, and not only with weapons but with our hands. You can practice some kind of martial art. If a Zombie grabs you to bite you, you must know how to react to the moment. We must be attentive to the news media to know what happens at all times. The sooner we recognize the beginning of the Zombie holocaust, the more opportunities we will have to survive. You can start by taking basic things, such as food, water, medicines, tools and bicycles (for better mobility). If possible, it is also advisable to get as many weapons as we can.

Survival - You have to leave the city. It must be done in silence and without attracting attention. In this case you have to see how the zombies move. Are they fast or slow? Can they climb? Can they open doors or perform certain maneuvers?

We must also think that food and water last forever. We must start thinking about harvesting our own food in a place where there is water that we can consume. It must have a good visibility to have all the angles controlled-

Prosper - After a few months, we must have the whole group with which we are well organized. Each person must have a mission and be clear about what they should do. Personal conflicts should be set aside. The important thing is to endure. In the end the zombies will disappear by themselves by decomposition. If it is a virus that returns to rabid people, they will starve. Therefore, the key is to stay alive until everything returns to normal.

A nuclear war or total war using weapons of mass destruction


A possible nuclear war is something that is always being talked about. This is because on more than one occasion the tension between great powers has given us more of a shock. Nowadays we must not only fear nuclear weapons, but also biological, chemical, etc. You have to keep this in mind if you want to survive an apocalypse. The power of these weapons could change the vision we have of our world.

Preparation - The ideal is to start preparing a few years before the disaster. In fact, if we smell that the thing is very bad and there may be a total war, it is best to go to live in a safe place. It must be a place that is not directly touched by a nuclear war. If you have to work in the city, make it a place that has a train to come and go every day.

The war will happen suddenly, although there will always be some warning signs. We must know how to recognize these signs. Going to live far away is not enough. The advisable thing would be to construct some type of refuge that material that protects of the radiation. The shelter must have all kinds of supplies and good air filters. Possibly we have to be several months or even years stuck in it.

Survival - If you have a shelter, you have to lock yourself in with the whole family or the people you are with. If a bomb explodes near where you are, the time at the shelter will be longer. If you do not have shelter, the only solution is to get away from the big cities. Take a radio or other communication device with you to be informed of what is happening. In the absence of a shelter, it could be worth a natural cave or underground facilities of factories, etc.

In the shelter, the important thing is to be healthy, both physically and mentally. You have to exercise, read, write, play what you like most (letters, video games, etc.), talk with others and seek as normal as possible.

Prosper - Having some type of radioactivity analyzer is important. If we are going to have to spend a lot of time in the shelter or in a cave, we should know how the outside is. Once the conditions are good, you have to explore the surroundings and see how everything has been. Other survivors should be sought, but always with caution because they may be in a desperate situation. This makes them dangerous.

A terrible plague


We all know how terrible a global plague can be. We have seen it through history, where pandemics have killed millions of people. Even today we are very aware of the danger that this entails and there are different protocols to protect us. Lis viruses, bacteria, genetic modifications, overpopulation and other factors, could lead to a critical situation and out of control.

Preparation - Again, we should prepare our defense years in advance. The first thing is to be healthy, so we must eat well, exercise and be in the best possible conditions. We must also have basic vaccines always updated, such as tetanus, influenza, etc. They may not help against the terrifying plague, but we will be more protected against other opportunistic diseases.

Survival - The most important thing in this case is to be in places with a small population. You have to go in small groups. The only communication with others must be by telephone or Internet, if it continues to exist. If we are going to move through risky sites, we must bring the right equipment: masks, protective suits, etc. We must also have a good vitamin supplement and other products that keep our immune system strong. It is not a good idea to go to hospitals because it can be deadly traps.

Prosper - You have to be as informed as possible about the progress of the disease and possible cures. If there is no cure, the problem is quite serious. In this case we must live as isolated as possible from other communities. We must learn to lead a sustainable life where we harvest our food and have a safe source of water. We must also be willing to fight for lack of resources.

An economic crisis that leads to total collapse


It may seem like something that only happens in movies, but it is a possibility. If the main markets of the world sink, all the money can suddenly lose its value. A global collapse could have catastrophic consequences.

Preparation - Before an economic collapse like this, we must learn different skills that can make us totally autonomous. Having many contacts will also help us. It is a good idea to have a house with alternative energy sources, such as solar panels. It is also a good idea to have enough supplies for at least a year.

Survival - Possibly there are supplies, tools and other things that can be purchased. However, the prices will be exorbitant. We must try to maintain ourselves with what we have. Staying in a group is one of the best ways to get ahead.

Prosper - Use the free time you will have to learn as much as you can. Everything that we have at hand should be used and nothing should be wasted. You have to start having things that we can then use to negotiate. You have to realize that a new economy will emerge and you have to be prepared for it.

Surviving an apocalypse by a killer volcano


Super volcanoes are a threat that is taken into account in a very serious way. They are not normal volcanoes, but terrible boilers that could kill everything if it explodes. They could be powerful enough to cover the lava land and darken the sky.

Preparation - It is estimated that being less than one hundred kilometers from a super volcano is immediate death. You have to find all kinds of protection in the form of masks against dust, food, water, plastic to wrap our electronic devices and all kinds of survival equipment. A generator is also important. The sun will be covered for a long time and that is why we need heat.

Survival - We must find a good refuge where we are safe from the ashes. Protecting the roof so it does not collapse is also a priority. Over time the supplies will run out, so you have to have an evacuation plan. You have to flee as far from the point of eruption, which could be even in another hemisphere.

Prosper - If you can get away from the origin of the volcano, you may have to integrate into the new society that will be formed. This will be a matter of adaptation, so for each person it will be different. If you fail to evacuate the main concern, it will be food and water, stay warm and survive. Keep in mind that winter can last for decades.

The end of days or Armageddon


This apocalypse has a religious connotation, and it is about Armageddon that tells a passage from the bible. It is said that only believers will be saved and taken to heaven, while the rest of humanity will remain on Earth awaiting final judgment.

Preparation - Here the best thing is to read and understand the different scenarios of Armageddon to know what awaits us. One option we have is to live a morally and ethically correct life with the hope of being one of the saved ones. If this is not possible, we move on to the next survival phase.

Survival - As has been said before, there are several versions of this apocalypse so we have to adapt to the one that touches us. Everything is documented in the scriptures, so we have the advantage of knowing what is going to happen. In the best case we will already be in heaven. The problem in this apocalypse does not survive anyone. Even so, it is best to store all the food and water we can and find a safe refuge.

Prosper - As has been said, in the end all humans left on Earth will die without remedy. Our planet will simply die. Try to spend the best possible before palmarla. We are sorry we can not give more advice in this scenario.

Impact of an Asteroid


Meteorites and asteroids are something that is always between us. The vast majority pass by and some crash on Earth without causing too much damage. The problem is if one of the big ones falls.

Preparation - Collect as many supplies as you can and prepare a bunker that is solid and has everything you need to be locked up for a long time. The months before the collision are important to leave everything prepared. The good thing about this apocalypse is that we will know what will happen well in advance.

Survival - Once we are in the bunker, we should not leave at all. The time we endure is crucial to get ahead. We must assume that the sun will be hidden by the dust raised by the impact. This can last for many years. In the refuge we must have everything we need, because we will not have the option of looking for anything abroad.

Do you want to survive an apocalypse? You have to remember to have water purifiers, generators, fuel, medicines and of course a lot of canned food and water.

Prosper - The only ones who will survive will be the people who have managed to find a good refuge. We must be aware that everything will have changed when we leave the shelter. We must take the time to learn to survive in a hostile environment. Most animal and plant life will have disappeared, so we will not have it easy. Even so, we have an opportunity if we are well trained.

Alien invasion


And finally we have the invasion of aliens. They can come from another dimension or from outer space, but it's something we've seen in many movies. If they have a better technology than ours and we lose the battle, we can only survive.

Preparation - This depends on the type of alien that invades us. The most important thing is to be united. In this case the union is strength and we must be attentive to what the authorities say. We must assume that the government and the military will already be looking for a weak point to defeat the aliens.

Survival - The reason why they invade us is important, although it will not be easy to find out why. Once we know what they are looking for, it will be easier to hide and go unnoticed. Avoid sites with a dense population. You have to try to contact the resistance and coordinate with them.

Prosper - In the following years the aliens will possibly enable the Earth for their own needs. This can be very different from what we know. We must be self-sufficient and keep well hidden. If there is still a resistance, we can choose to continue fighting with them. Otherwise, we must live hidden for the rest of our lives. And these are the ways in which you can survive an apocalypse if it ever happens.

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