What Would Happen If We Find "Life" On Another Planet?

in #science8 years ago (edited)

The ramifications of such a monumentous discovery are definitely worth thinking about. That would mean that humanity will have discovered alien life.
Our very existence... everything that we tell ourselves, all of our history will be redifined in that moment... if it happens.
Are we ready to hear the answer?


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The planet Jupiter has a moon named Europa that scientists have always suspected might hold "microbial" alien life. Europa has long been suspected to potentially have water hidden beneath its observable surface. Scientists are particularly excited because "if" the ocean is constructed as they think, it might be able to create life. This moon is thought to be thee best place in our own solar system to potentially harbor alien life.

Under the moon's icy shell is liquid water and if this is in contact with the rocky mantle (as is thought), then it might lead to various chemical reactions, that could in turn create..."Life."

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In 2012 The Hubble Telescope sent back imagery of "plumes" of water from Europa's southern pole. But... they haven't been spotted again & the "plumes" have not been verified. If this event on Europa happens again it could lead to changes in the space program. The "plumes" would make it possible to study the ocean without having to land on the moon and instead, a spacecraft could just "catch" one of the "plumes"in orbit to analyze and study it.

Surely we are many years away from this type of space miision you may wonder...wonder no longer.

The Europa Flyby Mission is set to launch sometime in the 2020's. So far their are alot of educated guesses on what we shall find. Is Humanity ready?

Source: http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/missions/europa-mission/

I hope you enjoyed this post, please upvote and Excelsior!!!!!


Don't forget to cite sources.

yes thank you @justtryme90! I almost forgot. Trying to post too quickly without giving due credit :-P

It's easy to forget :P

No worries just reminding you :)

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