The History Of Humankind You've Never Been Taught

in #science7 years ago


Good afternoon to every Steemian on the planet. This post came from the thought of how great of an invention the Steemit platform has been to society as a whole. Whether you are an invenstor of Steem and Steem backed dollars or an individual who was shown what this concept is, it's hard to argue that Steemit is a very good invention. Now on with the real topic.

I enjoy reading and learning a great variety of subjects & I hope this post will educate and open your mind to the truth. Perception is everything or so the saying goes. What we "perceive" is dependent on how it's been "presented" to an individual or group of people.

Without cheating if I were to ask you the question, "what is the oldest known civilization in our Earth's history?" would you know the answer? A great trivia question to say the least and I'm sure some of you do know the answer. Hint: Recoreded information from around 3500 B.C. If you guessed or answered Mesopotamia you are correct!

Why is knowing this important? Knowing the truth is more productive to a society then withholding or lying about it. I remember reading a history book in grammer school. I also remember reading a paragraph on who invented the wheel and it gave the name that the Summerians had done so and nothing else more. I asked the teacher, "who were the Summerians?" Her reply was, "If you want to know go to the library and check the encyclopedia." (This was before the invention of the internet). This was also the standard answer of any teacher when they didn't know how to respond to a student and lacked the knowledge on any subject.

Here is a list of inventions from the Summerians and you be the judge to see how important they have been to humankind.

    • Agriculture & Irrigation
    • The Plow
    • The first form of writing: Cuniform
    • Mathematics
    • The Wheel
    • The Chariot
    • The Sailboat
    • Astronomy & Astrology
    • Time
    • Maps (Cartography)
    • Urban Civilization
    • Ur-Nammu law code (These codes were poor friendly and were established for protecting them from the rich classes.)
    • (Bonus Invention) Checkers

Check out the link

Why wouldn't the history and discovery of all these inventions be taught in depth in all schools? Doesn't it make you wonder?


Now I ask you, for just a brief moment, to forget all that you might have been taught because it was presented to you by individuals who didn't want you to know the truth. What has been presented to you was someone elses truth. (I also am stating for the record, that the following video should NOT be taken as the gospel truth either, but certain facts cannot be ignored any longer.)

Now before you start getting into religious debates or go off on a tangent let me add another link on the oldest known human fossils discovered (so far)...

As well as ancient sites that have been discovered but don't make the news (for some reason).

I hope this post at least made you think and question an individuals perception of truths. We've been told one thing either through news or books only to discover that what we've been originally told may not have been fact at all.

Don't forget to Upvote, please Comment your thoughts about the subject matter & feel free to ReSteem.

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Some interesting stuff from some of the cuneiform Tablets interpretations if you have not checked out Zecharia Sitchin.
I had just finished reading series.when I watched a movie "the fourth kind"
And was amazed to hear the ET/alien in movie speaking sumerian!....

I've read some paragraphs of Zecharia Sitchin but none of his books. He's on my book list though. Watched the fourth kind a long time ago. There's a lot of translated interpretations but how it's been portrayed to the public or withheld is what bothers me.

We have documentation from cave drawing,clear up to today, and they all get suppressed by the powers that control...
It would be nice to have a complete cohesive history,that the timelines,and cultures were integrated into one truthful history...
But 10 people can not even accurately retell what happened at an accident.. can't even agree on colors of cars
Trying to figure out the truth can drive you crazy.... think I am halfway

Agree on all your points. There weren't any photocopy machines back in the day so getting accurate info about an ancient society is basically lost. I always wonder if the library of Alexandria had never been burnt to the ground, what knowledge from the past would we have known.

Crazy is the new normal. Just wait until we start discovering temples in

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