Here are some holy Qur'an verses that ideal with astronomy

in #science7 years ago


The Qur'ān (Qur'an, Arabic: القرآن) is the holy book of Islam. Muslims believe that the Qur'an is the summit and cover of God's revelation destined for man, and part of the pillars of faith, which is communicated to the Prophet Muhammad 'alaihi wa sallam, through the mediation of the Archangel Gabriel.

And here are some holy Qur'anic verses that deal with astronomy:

  1. Big Bang Event

أولم ير الذين كفروا أن السماوات والأرض كانتا رتقا ففتقناهما وجعلنا من الماء كل شيء حي أفلا يؤمنون

And do the unbelievers not know that the heavens and the earth were both a coherent one, and We separated between them. And out of the water We made all things alive. Why then do they not believe? (Surat Al-Anbiyâ' verse 30)

  1. Planet and Space Planets

When referring to the sun and moon in the Qur'an, it is confirmed that each moves in a particular orbit or circle.

وهو الذي خلق الليل والنهار والشمس والقمر كل في فلك يسبحون

It is He Who has created the night and the day, the sun and the moon. Each of them is circulating in the sphere. (Surat Al-Anbiyâ' verse 30)

والشمس تجري لمستقر لها ذلك تقدير العزيز العليم

It means: "And the sun goeseth in its place, so the decree of the Mighty, the Knower." (QS Yasin: 38)

والسماذ ذات الحبك

Meaning: "By the heavens having a walk." (QS Adz-Dzariat: 7)

  1. The Creation of the Universe

بديع السماوات والأرض أنى يكون له ولد ولم تكن له صاحبة وخلق كل شيء وهو بكل شيء عليم

He is the Creator of heaven and earth. How does he have children when he has no wife? He created everything; And He knows everything. (Sura Al-An'am verse 101)

  1. Round Earth Form

خلق السماوات والأرض بالحق يكور الليل على النهار ويكور النهار على الليل وسخر الشمس والقمر كل يجري لأجل مسمى ألا هو العزيز الغفار

He created the heavens and the earth with the true (aim); He shuts the night over the day and shuts the day off over the night and subdues the sun and moon, each running according to the appointed time. Remember He is the Mighty, the Forgiving. (Az-Zumar verse 5)

  1. Floating Universe

الله الذي رفع السماوات بغير عمد ترونها ثم استوى على العرش وسخر الشمس والقمر كل يجري لأجل مسمى يدبر الأمر يفصل الآيات لعلكم بلقاء ربكم توقنون

It is Allah Who raised the heavens without the pillars (as) that you saw, then He dwelled on the Â'Arasy, and subjected the sun and moon. Each circulated until the specified time. Allah rules the affairs (His creatures), explains the signs (His greatness), so that you believe in your meeting with your Lord. (Surah Ar-Ra'd: 2)

  1. The Dangers of Meteor And Asteroids

أم أمنتم من في السماء أن يرسل عليكم حاصبا فستعلمون كيف نذير

Or do you feel secure against a God who is (powerful) in the sky that He will send a rocky storm. Then one day you will know how (due to deniers) My warning? (Surat Al Mulk verse 17)

  1. Star clusters and galaxies

ولقد جعلنا في السماء بروجا وزيناها للناظرين

And indeed We have created a cluster of stars (in the heavens) and We have adorned the sky for those who saw (it). (Surat al-Hijr: 16)

والسماذ ذات البروج
By the heavens that have a cluster of stars (Qs Al Buruuj verse 1)

Glorious God Who controls the heavens and the Earth

There are many more verses of the Qur'an that explain about astronomy, later on other occasions we complete.

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