NOVA - Dusty plasma 'transmutation reactor' nearly ready for trialssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Dr George Egeley sent this photo today from his colleagues in Hungary showing that the NOVA basic reactor is nearly ready for trials.


Inside you can see the insulating mica stand supporting the hand blown, Quartz resonant tuned reaction chamber.

Click here for more information on the NOVA reactor


What functions will this reactor be doing?

See the link just added for more information.

The first test will be to test classic George Ohsawa reactions (CNO with electrons) in this deliberate dusty plasma setting. Dr George Egeley says it produces Iron.

We aim to test in a University SEM / EDX facility live on YouTube. The university will handle the carbon powder fuel and the ash. In theory, the SEM should show only Carbon to begin with and then Carbon and Iron at least after the test.

Really to much science for my brain to handle XD but it really looks interesting!(im still trying to figure out how it will produce iron?)keep us posted on this.

Like this.

add a proton into Carbon and you get Nitrogen, do this 2 times.

take 1 Carbon and 1 Nitrogen and you get 1 Aluminium, do this twice

Take two Aluminium and you get 1 Iron atom,

First shown by George Ohsawa in 60s +, replicated all over the world, in one Indian plant they were producing 4 tonnes of excess Iron per day!

At approximately what time do you think the live streaming will happen?

The live streaming tests will either happen at the end of August or end of September.

Thanks for sharing to all, great work.
May the Quantum Vacuum Field resonate for all of us ;-)

There are 2 Constants in the universe first the the Quantum Vacuum Field resonate for all of us
second bureaucracy in social systems grow until everything stands still. ;-)

Truely, what happened in India with the Bank was the most pitiful example one could ever witness.

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