Best of Youtube on Steemit

in #science6 years ago (edited)

I'm always entertained by YouTube content so these are my favorite clips ive seen recently. Interesting how the share button has been removed for sharing content and also I see some channels of alternative media have been disabled too.

Quantum Computing. Past. Present. Future

Credit: Real Spirit Dynamics

Basic introduction to electronics and integrated circuits. Moore's Law... every year the computing power doubles - later changed to every 24 months. We are approaching the physical limits of Moore's Law. Now engineers are pushing towards quantum computing; Breaking Binary code; now a byte can be a 1/0 or both simultaneously. Imagine downloading an entire 4K movie within 1-2 seconds. It is just around the corner.

Joe Rogan Podcast: Google's new AI is Terrifying

Credit: Joe Rogan Podcast

Google unveiled its new project of an AI interacting with a caller who is trying to make an appointment. The voice is indistinguishable from a human voice due to hmms and umms within the context. This is pretty scary but I can definitely see this being the future. More and More robots/AI will be taking away jobs in the near future. Scary... Skynet is unfolding before our eyes.

Rage 2 Official gameplay Trailer

Credit: Mathchief

The newest teaser trailer and announcement from Bethesda. RAGE 2. This is an open world RPG action game that looks like Fallout 4 mixed with MadMax and Fortnite. I will definitely be playing this one on its release.

Solo: A Starwars Story Review

Credit: Emergency Awesome

I don't want any spoilers but I am curious how this movie has turned out. The previous director had walked out of the project because he was in way over his head. He had never done a project of that magnitude and apparently Ron Howard stepped in to take the project over. I remember a few months back he described the project as a disaster. They re-shot several scenes and who knows... maybe he saved it. I have mixed feelings because Ron Howard is not an action director: Well not a very good one anyway. He completely butchered all the Dan Brown Books. But he is a very good story teller.

This reviewer places it above Star Wars I: Phantom Menace which isn't saying much.

Getting High Injecting Snake Venom

Vice Documentary on HBO

At first I was thinking... this guy is fucking nuts. He even admits he has no idea what he is doing in the beginning of the documentary. But I think he might be onto something here... he seems to have bio hacked himself to feel stronger and have more energy. Although the congealed blood makes me concerned as a paramedic that it would cause clots in the brain or lungs and ultimately kill him. 100% entertained by this.


See some entertaining variety on a single blog post..

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