Computer Science's Highest Award - de Turing Award.

in #science6 years ago

Language creation for understanding Every creature of every organism tells us something about its condition. We use different languages ​​to communicate with the whole human race, as well as every constant object has a language. Only we can understand what we have the ability to hear. For example, if you mix acidic-based electrolysis on a suitable toothpast plasmatic fluid, then tummy tone is not usable. We can understand the story of toothpaste. Toothpaste says, "Why did you do that? Now I am no longer. "With a tiger roar we can realize that the tiger khudhea. When a plant hit, a fluid from its body is released (which can be understood, blood is gaining). In this we realized that the object suffered very much due to the injuries sustained.
People are the most advanced animals. So we have more than three and a half thousand languages ​​worldwide. Through which we are communicating. Similarly, there are a few languages ​​to understand the computer machine. By whom he knows what I mean to him. These languages ​​are called "programs" or "dictators" in Bengali. And whoever understands this language and his language is working on promoting him, he calls it "programming".IMG_20180104_112714.jpg
This person is a victorious programmer. He created the first theoretical computer engineering and artificial intelligence of Artificial Intelligence on Earth. This person was a pioneer computer engineer, mathematician, logic, philosopher, secretive signal expert, mathematical biologist and marathon runner.
In each branch of science, there is a handful of some of this person. He did outstanding work in cryptology._71930290_71930289.jpg
In 1936, he published the largest research paper in his life. Whose name was "On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem" - in this episode he mentions his discovery "Turing Machine". Through which the calculation and the concept of algorithms have been written from the verbal-mechanical system. He had his talent on the algorithm of Akash kumi.Alan-Turing.jpgImage: Amar programmer came
He proved by the machine he manufactured that "the mathematical complexity of the" unsighted problem "is not possible by solving the" common algorithm ". As a substitute for solution, he is widely considered to be possible through algorithm screwing instruments. Meaning, the Turing machine will ever halts whether it is undefined. He demonstrates stabilizing non-conformable evidence of the analogous probabal in the back of the "halting problem". This theory is known as Church-Turing Thesis.

Encodied Problem: This channel was created by David Hallbert in 1928. The main content of which is to determine the meaning of the probability of mathematical calculation and mathematical algorithm. Which was identified by David Hellbert in 1928 as an unsuitable problem in international convent. (As in Bengal it is said, before eggs are not chicken.)
Holting Problem: This is such a problem where the Program Loss of Infinitum and Break Up or Halt is Undefined. For example,
Sudocod program
// This is an un halt program, meaning the infinitiate disappears. For example,
// This is a halt program.1200px-Alan_Turing.jpg
Pictured: Millions of Wells Tiase's Pillars in the Bloeche Park
This person is outstanding in the computer world. In 1948 he joined Max Newman's Computing Laboratory at Manchester University, where he helped create "Manchester Computer". During this time he became interested in mathematical biology. Later, he wrote a paper on morphogenesis based on chemical bases and speculated about vibrating chemical reaction which was first noticed in the 1960s.Alan-Turing-at-101.jpg
Image: Alan Turing memorial monument

Then he got up on biology and then started. He published a research paper called "The Chemical Basis of Morphogenesis" in 1952. He was interested in "morphogenesis" - biological organisms. In pursuance of the study, he conducted various tests of homosexuality. From his research, homosexuality has become a result of manhood. That's why Turing was convicted of homosexuality in 1952. At that time, homosexuality was considered a crime in the United Kingdom.amttop.gifImage: Flow of ContributionIn 1954, he was given injection of osteogen (oestrogen) according to the law. Turing died in 1954 at the age of 42. In 2009, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown urged for officially apologizing for the harmful treatment that Turing was forced to do.TAHC_Turing_1A.jpg
Image: Alan Turing
Awards and honors

In 2013, Queen Elizabeth granted her posthumous pardon.
In 1991, he was elected the "Fellow of the Royal Society".
"Order of the British Empire" - Reputation
Many organizations-prizes were named after him. Namely,

Good-Turing Frequency Efficiency
*Turing Completiones
*Turing degree
*Turing Institute
*Turing Lectures
*Turing machine exemplos
*Turing Petters
*Turing redoxion
*Turing switch
And the computer with maximum respect is the name of its honor. Its name is "Turing erad".Turing.GruntyFen.png

This honor is called Computer Nobel. This award was received by Dennis Richow, father of Procedure Orientand Program (C Programming) of the Bell Labs. Below is a list of winners:

Winners List:
What is the reward for the time the winner is rewarded
1966 Allan Perlis for the development of advanced programming strategies and compilers
1967 Maurice Vincent Willis Professor Wilks Edacak is a computer designer and producer. This computer is first stored in a computer program. The computer built in 1949 used the mercury line-line memory. Also together with Wilks Wheeler and Gil, he wrote a book titled Preparation of Programs for Electronic Digital Computers in 1951. In this book, the concept of the first program library is first presented.
1968 Richard Hamming uses numerical methods, automated coding mechanisms, and his work on error-detectors and error-detection codes. (Hamming code)
1969 Marvin Minsky artificial intelligence
1970 James Wilkinson for monitoring the calculation of high-speed modern computer calculation. Linear Elbow and "Backward" for error analysis.
For the presentation of logical information on the current position of 1971 M McCarthy "Artificial Intelligence"
Dextera Etszek Dexter of Aitzker, 1972, was a major contributor to the development of high level programming language alogues in the 1950s. The Algal language is considered to be a model of cleanliness and mathematical legislation. DiCista is a major proponent of the science and industry of programming languages; He has increased the range of knowledge about the formation, presentation and implementation of programming languages. For the programming language, he wrote for 15 years, from the theoretical papers to general manual, big composition, and philosophical thinking.
1973 Charles Bakhman is an outstanding contributor to database technology
The 1974 Donald Kanuth algorithms have made extensive contributions to the design and programming language design, especially for the series of The Art of Computer Programming Title.


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