Modified seeds to resist drought/Semillas modificadas para resistir la sequía

in #science3 years ago


One of the worst consequences of global warming is the increase in prolonged droughts, especially in those countries where conditions for agriculture are already especially difficult due to water scarcity and soil poverty, a small worsening of these conditions it may bring great famines in the near future.

Una de las peores consecuencias del calentamiento de nuestro planeta son el aumento de las sequías prolongadas, sobre todo en aquellos países donde ya las condiciones para la agricultura son especialmente difíciles por la escasez de agua y la pobreza del suelo, un pequeño recrudecimiento de estas condiciones puede traer grandes hambrunas en un futuro cercano.

To combat this situation, a group of MIT scientists have developed a coating for the seeds that not only retains the surrounding water but also provides additional nutrients to the seed, this coating that is being tested in Morocco reduces the stress of the plant during the germination phase.

Para combatir esta situación un grupo de científicos del MIT han desarrollado un recubrimiento para las semillas que no solo retiene el agua de alrededor sino que además aporta nutrientes adicionales a la semilla, este recubrimiento que está siendo probado en Marruecos reduce el estrés de la planta durante la fase de germinación.


As a result of several years of research, this coating based on other natural coatings is a kind of gel that retains all the moisture that reaches it to wrap the seed with it, in addition a second internal layer contains microorganisms with their nutrients that, exposed to the soil and water will fix nitrogen in the soil, like a micro-fertilizer.

Resultado de varios años de investigación, este recubrimiento basado en otros recubrimientos naturales, es una especie de gel que retiene toda la humedad que le llega para envolver la semilla con ella, además una segunda capa interna contiene microorganismos con sus nutrientes que expuestos a la tierra y al agua fijaran nitrógeno en la tierra, como un micro-fertilizante.

Until now, laboratory tests have been carried out using soil from a Moroccan farm that yielded excellent results and now the field tests will be carried out, without the results are still good, this treatment can be applied to a great variety of seeds with the same results.

Hasta el momento se han realizados pruebas de laboratorio utilizando suelo de granja marroquí que arrojaron excelentes resultados y ahora se pasará a hacer las pruebas de campo, sin los resultados siguen siendo buenos este tratamiento podrá aplicarse a una gran variedad de semillas con los mismos resultados.


Although this treatment slightly increases the price of the seeds, it is a very simple system that any farmer can carry out, the first layer is applied by dipping the seeds and the second layer is applied by spraying, neither application requires expensive installations. that makes its use cheaper.

Aunque este tratamiento aumenta ligeramente el precio de las semillas, es un sistema muy simple que puede realizar cualquier agricultor, la primera capa se aplica sumergiendo las semillas y la segunda capa se aplica mediante el rociado, ninguna de las dos aplicaciones requiere de instalaciones costosas lo que abarata su uso.

Finally, the components of this coating are already used in agriculture and can be applied to different types of seeds, also looking for the most suitable microorganisms for each type of plant that optimize their growth, of course all its components are biodegradable and during the process they are not produced waste harmful to the planet.

Finalmente los componentes de este recubrimiento ya se utilizan en la agricultura y puede aplicarse a distintos tipos de semillas buscando además los microorganismos más adecuados para cada tipo de planta que optimicen su crecimiento, por supuesto todos sus componentes son biodegradables y durante el proceso no se producen deshechos nocivos para el planeta.

More information/Más información


Hola @mauromar, eso es genial, es perfeccionar lo bueno de la naturaleza.

I learn something new from your every blogs. Thank you so much from your knowledgeable post.

It was really very important information. Thanks for sharing.

I knew something new from your blog. Thank you.

You are really doing the great job to share knowledge among us. Thank you.

Thanks for sharing this important information.

Science advances by leaps and bounds, let's hope and these experiments do not affect nature.

With this, production can be increased, the important thing is that with time of good results.

It is refreshing to see scientists working on projects to combat problems on the current planet. I feared they were all focused on getting to Mars. This solution would be welcome in my country, especially the Northern parts of Ghana where they experience severe droughts on regular basis.

Interesting topic ..., there is nothing that exceeds the wise nature in its legitimate cycles. Hence, the wisest thing is to preserve the natural environment ..., it is unfortunately late.A blessing to the scientists for your good wishes. Greetings.

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