Google reconstructs image of a part of the human cortex/Google reconstruye imagen de una parte del cortex humano

in #science3 years ago


A group of scientists from Harvard University together with Google have managed to obtain the most detailed image of a small area of the human cerebral cortex, made from a sample of human brain tissue obtained from a patient suffering from epilepsy obtained after a surgical intervention.

Un grupo de científicos de la Universidad de Harvard junto con Google han logrado obtener la imagen mas detallada de una pequeña zona de la corteza cerebral humana, realizado a partir de una muestra de tejido cerebral humano obtenido de un paciente aquejado de epilepsia obtenido tras una intervención quirúrgica.

This tissue sample was sliced into more than 5,000 individual sections of 30 nm (nanometers) that were later photographed using an electronic microscope, from all this process 225 million two-dimensional images were obtained that were later treated by computation to convert them into a 3D image of the sample tissue.

Esta muestra de tejido se rebanó en mas de 5.000 secciones individuales de 30 nm(nanómetros) que posteriormente fueron registradas fotográficamente utilizando un microscopio electrónico, de todo este proceso se obtuvieron 225 millones de imágenes en dos dimensiones que posteriormente fueron tratadas mediante computación para convertirlas en una imagen 3D del tejido de muestra.


This three-dimensional image obtained was subsequently treated with machine learning algorithms to create representations of individual cells and to catalog up to 130 million synapses (junctions between neurons), which allowed identifying and labeling structures such as myelin or cilia that are large interest for the study of the human brain.

Esta imagen tridimensional obtenida fue tratada posteriormente con algoritmos de machine learning para crear representaciones de las células individuales y llegar a catalogar hasta 130 millones de sinápsis( uniones entre neuronas) lo que permitió identificar y etiquetar estructuras como la mielina o los cilios que son de gran interés para el estudio del cerebro humano.

From all this work it has been possible to obtain the most detailed map of brain connections obtained to date, a set of 1.4 petabytes of data which they have called "H01 dataset", so that you can get an idea in a Pb You can save 4,000 daily selfies that you take throughout your life.

De todo este trabajo se ha podido obtener el mapa más detallado de las conexiones del cerebro obtenido hasta la fecha, un conjunto de 1,4 petabytes de datos al que han denominado "H01 dataset", para que os podáis hacer una idea en un Pb podéis guardar 4.000 selfies diarios que hagáis durante toda vuestra vida.


This set of data has been made freely available through their Neuroglancer browser, this browser had already been developed previously to be able to visualize the brain of the fruit fly (Drosophila Melanogaster) and you can access it and move through the link that I leave you at the end of the post.

Este conjunto de datos lo han dejado disponible gratuitamente a través de su navegador Neuroglancer, este navegador ya se había desarrollado previamente para poder visualizar el cerebro de la mosca de la fruta (Drosophila Melanogaster) y podéis acceder a él y trastear a través del enlace (en inglés) que os dejo al final del post.

This data set that, as we mentioned at the beginning contains 50,000 cells and 130 million synapses identified, will gradually increase with the data obtained through other developments similar to this one and who knows if one day we will be able to have a complete replica of the human cerebral cortex freely accessible for its study.

Este data set que, como comentábamos al principio contiene identificadas 50.000 células y 130 millones de sinápsis, irá aumentando paulatinamente con los datos obtenidos mediante otros desarrollos similares a éste y quien sabe si algún día podremos tener una réplica completa de la corteza cerebral humana accesible gratuitamente para su estudio.

More information/Más información


Hola @mauromar eso sí que fue un trabajo de inteligencia.

Very interesting this topic. I'm surprised how far science has advanced. regards.

It is amazing what those scientists did. It looks like alien technology. we hope you continue to keep us informed. Thank you.

Technology and Biology have a bright future. Soon, we will be able to model various aspect of the body for a better and enhanced research.

Thank you for sharing great knowledge with all of us.

now everything is possible with the technology.

Technology is growing rapidly because of such scientists. May this success will bring a lot fascility to neuromedicine.

Interesting scientific studies to better understand the functioning of the brain through its neural connections which are quite complex.Blessings.

i didnt know this before. thanks for telling.

Every day technology surprises us more and more. so much so that many advances seem taken from science fiction. Greetings

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