The shocking truth about Coral

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Coral are not plants they are actually classified as animals. As absurd it may seem they are related to the jellyfish family. Strange enough this breath taking animal relies on photosynthesis, making it seem plant like.  A coral reef is known to have over a thousand species of fish and plants providing food and shelter to many fish. Its no wonder the tourism industries have grown near these beautiful creatures. I for one could admire these iconic animals for hours each one so different yet alike in almost every way. 

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Coral reefs ecosystem is joined together by calcium carbonate structures. The reefs are built by colonies/groups of many tiny animals. 

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Most corals are built from stony corals that have polyps which is a type of phylum cnidaria. The body of this polyp is a cylindrical and elongated at its axis. Most of the time a polyp is compared to a sac due to the wall of which is composted of two layers of cells, the ectoderm and endoderm. Between each of these layers there is a layer mesogloea(gelationous substance). The layers are segregated by a cell wall and the mesogloea might be thin depending on the skeletal elements. This sac like body built up usually is blind ended and the upper end is bounded by a circle of tentacles(organs that serve together tactile sense and captures food). These polyps are self reproducing and need partners depending on its skeletal form.  There are many threats towards coral reefs but the most main factor is global warming. Due to the spikes in the deep sea temperatures cause an occurrence called bleaching. Which causes the living coral to die, to no surprise it has gone worst than ever before , more than two thirds have been exposed to this bleaching. As corals form skeletons as they grow the inner tissue (symbiotic algae) called Zooxanthellae which supply food for corals. The hot temperatures cause corals to force out the algae.

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 There are many types of reefs which include the barrier reef, atoll reef patch reef ,fringing reef, ribbon reef, bank reef, habili, cays, microatoll and seamount. I’m not going to bore you with all the details of each of these marvellous reefs but what I can say is that the beauty is unbelievable. 

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check out this link to see how you can help save the coral reef  


thanks for the information.

thanks for commenting

Thank you for teaching, and caring, about corals! I recommend the spectacularly eye-opening documentary, Chasing Coral (available on Netflix), to any human that lives on the planet Earth. The state of our coral reefs determine the future of all life here. The ever rising temperatures of the ocean cannot be ignored. To deny climate change is the highest form of irresponsibility we can possibly know. We must educate ourselves, and others, on this very urgent matter. We must work together on a global scale to combat the devastation that is taking place.

For anyone interested in becoming involved with the Chasing Coral movement, please visit

thanks for sharing will definately check it out

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