CRYONICS : Can a human brought back to life

in #science6 years ago

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Almost in every film about space travel astronauts sleep in special capsules, staying in anabiosis or other kind of prolonged conservation of the human body, until awakening at the destination.

In our reality, cryogenic freezing is the subject of business - mortally sick people, which modern medicine can not cure, and simply the rich old men freeze their bodies to be thawed in the future when new ways of treating or prolonging life will be invented.

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However, despite the futuristic nature of the idea - to wake up in the bright future, as well as the high technological level of the freezing process, scientists still do not have a method to return frozen to life. That is, when cryogenic freezing a person today is the same as in case of accidental freezing to death in the steppe or Antarctica - a primitive cold corpse, without any hopes for its resuscitation.

We have to ask a completely logical and expected question: is there life after cryopreservation?

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The very idea of ​​cryopreservation was suggested to us by nature - many frozen terrestrial organisms, such as reptiles, amphibians, worms and insects, have frozen into hibernation. For example, a forest frog (Rana sylvatica) in winter freezes into a piece of ice and waits for it in spring. However, for a person, every process of freezing and subsequent thawing harms all tissues of the body. Understanding the mechanisms and minimizing this damage is one of the goals of cryobiology.

There is still no complete understanding of the processes of frost-thawing at the cellular level, therefore there is no possibility to control these processes. There are only a number of ideas, for example, careful modulation of temperature during freezing with the help of special cryoprotectors will theoretically help to avoid tissue damage. The technique suggests freezing by smooth transition of the human body into the "glass" stage, bypassing the stage of ice formation in the tissues, by very rapid cooling, rather than the usual freezing.

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In addition to the risk of tissue damage, there are still issues of stability of biochemical processes. Biochemical reactions, including degeneration, are slowed down at ultralow temperatures to almost complete halt. But the risk that the tissues will be damaged and eventually biochemical processes will be violated is also a problem.

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Solving the problems of restoring blood flow in the organs and tissues of medicine is already known. Also, there is no problem re-launching individual frozen body parts - many successful cases of transplanting chilled organs: hearts, kidneys, limbs, can serve as examples. But the resuscitation of the frozen person entirely, including all organs and including blood flow, heart, brain, is still fantastic.

However, cooling the body can help. After all, cases of resuscitation of drowned people are known after a considerable time after clinical death, due to the fact that very cold water slowed the biochemical processes of the organism and prevented the body and brain from completely dying.

One of the main obstacles to effective freezing and subsequent resuscitation of a person is our brain. Factors such as good blood supply and high resistance to mechanical damage can contribute to its safe freezing, but there are technical and scientific problems, especially in matters of preserving regulatory functions and memory.

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So will one day have the possibility of cryopreservation of the human brain so that it can be restored unchanged? As an option, it is assumed that the breakthrough should be based on some highly developed nanotechnology - a field that was once considered science fiction. The idea is that tiny artificial machines will one day completely restore all kinds of damage to our cells and tissues caused by cryonics, which will make it possible to revitalize a person as he was before freezing - physically and mentally. Given the rapid progress in this area, it's not such a fantasy, but when this happens - a big question.




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