Best of the Nerd Web Roundup: Thursday 15 February 2018

in #science6 years ago

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Best of the Nerd Web Roundup: Thursday 15 February 2018

HackSpace magazine

The new magazine for the modern maker

If you want more maker articles then the people behind the Raspberry Pi magazine have started producing a general-maker publication called Hackspace.

It's darned good, professionally created, with a variety of topics covered, and nicely written.

As well as a dead tree version, and an app subscription available, you can also download the magazine in PDF form.

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Astrophotographer Spots Elon Musk's Roadster Cruising Through Space (Video)

After a two-day chase, astrophotographer Rogelio Bernal Andreo captured Elon Musk's Tesla Roadster cruising through the solar system.

Yes, another Tesla/SpaceX story, but this is one to silence the conspiracy theorists who claimed that it was an ILM stunt in order to cast doubt on the flat-earth story.

Spoiler alert: The Earth is not flat and the Tesla is really out there ;)

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This new text bomb crashes most Mac and iOS apps with a single Unicode symbol

TechCrunch has learned of a potentially serious new bug affecting a wide range of Apple devices.

Oh dear!

I am not religiously or emotionally attached to any one brand of devices but I do own and use Apple equipment, so I hope they get this fixed asap.

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China's Secretive Stealth Fighter Is Finally Combat-Ready

China announced that the J-20 stealth fighter has entered service in the People's Liberation Army with "comprehensive combat capabilities."

The fact that this machine will be used to kill people and destroy property, you have to admit these things are pretty cool looking.

It's also scary, I will give you that ;)

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From the picture it is very hard to judge what this forward facing wings are of the fighter jet. Anyone an idea for what these are used?

I figured they were for manovering?

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